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Researcher DataBase - Personal Information : HARA Masakazu

HARA Masakazu
College of Agriculture - Division of Applied Life Sciences
Graduate School of Science and Technology,Research Division - Research of Integrated Bioscience
Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Applied Life Sciences Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology Department of Agriculture - Applied Biological Chemistry Course Research Institute of Green Science and Technology - Plant Stress Management research core

Last updated : 2023/10/17 2:06:01

Basic information on teaching staff

【Degrees earned】
Kyoto University   1995/3

Research information

【Papers, etc.】
[1]. Prevention of liposome cryoaggregation by a radish (Raphanus sativus L.) vacuolar calcium-binding protein (RVCaB).
Food Bioscience in press/ - (2023) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Yuki Kimura, Honami Osuda, Masakazu Hara
[2]. Freeze-thaw-induced aggregation of bovine gamma globulin was efficiently inhibited by an intrinsically disordered plant protein dehydrin
Food Hydrocolloids for Health in press/ - (2023) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Honami Osuda, Yuki Kimura, Masakazu Hara
[3]. Inhibition of cryoaggregation of phospholipid liposomes by an Arabidopsis intrinsically disordered dehydrin and its K-segment
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 211/ 112286- (2022) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Yuki Kimura, Tomohiro Ohkubo, Kosuke Shimizu, Yasuhiro Magata, Enoch Y. Park, Masakazu Hara [DOI]
[4]. An intrinsically disordered radish vacuolar calcium-binding protein (RVCaB) showed cryoprotective activity for lactate dehydrogenase with its hydrophobic region.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 182/ 1130-1137 (2021) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Honami Osuda, Yui Sunano, Masakazu Hara
[5]. Cryoprotective activity of Arabidopsis KS-type dehydrin depends on the hydrophobic amino acids of two active segments.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 691/ 108510- (2020) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Tomoka Yokoyama, Tomohiro Ohkubo, Keita Kamiya, Masakazu Hara [DOI]
【Books, etc.】
[Book type]book(research)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] contributor
[Author]原 正和 [REP page number] 119-130
[Book type]book(research)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work
[Author]原 正和 [REP page number] 229-233
[Notes] 同出版社の農業技術大系土壌施肥編追録第32号に記載された内容を特集号(単行本)として再出版されたものである。
[Book type]book(research)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work
[Author]原 正和 [REP page number] 2-6
[4]. Green Science and Technology
CRC Press (2019)
[Book type]book(research)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work
[Author]Enoch Y. Park, Takayuki Saito, Hirokazu Kawagishi, Masakazu Hara [Range] Chapter 11 Heat Tolerance Enhancers of Plants for Agricultural Use [Total page number] 344 [REP page number] 158-174
[Book type]book(educational)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work
[Author]原 正和
[Notes] 第1章 植物が作るひらひらしたタンパク質 p.12-28
【Academic conference/research presentations】
[1]. デハイドリンKセグメント配列による乳酸脱水素酵素凍結保護活性メカニズム
第39回日本植物バイオテクノロジー 学会(堺)大会 (2022/9/13) other
[2]. シロイヌナズナデハイドリンによるリポソーム凍結保護作用に関する研究
第39回日本植物バイオテクノロジー 学会(堺)大会 (2022/9/13) other
[3]. デハイドリンTypK配列によるLDH凍結保護メカニズムに関する研究
日本農芸化学会2022年度大会[京都]  (2022/3/16) other
[Presenter]大須田 穂波、吉原 有紗、原 正和
[4]. ダイコン液胞カルシウム結合タンパク質によるリポソームの凍結凝集抑制に関する研究
日本農芸化学会2022年度大会[京都] (2022/3/16) other
[Presenter]木村 友紀、大須田 穂波、原 正和
[5]. デハイドリンおよび保存配列のリポソーム凍結凝集抑制に関する研究
第38回日本植物バイオテクノロジー(つくば)学会 (2021/9/10) other
[Presenter]木村 友紀、大久保 智博、清水 広介、間賀田 泰寛、朴 龍洙、原 正和
【Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research
[1]. 植物天然変性タンパク質の優れた超低温特性を利用した製剤凍結保存技術に関する研 究 ( 2022/8 ~ 2025/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research leader

[2]. 植物の超低温生存力を支える蛋白質の機能を利用した革新的保存技術に関する研究 ( 2019/8 ~ 2022/3 ) Challenging Research(Exploratory) leader

[3]. 超低温保存が可能な種子における天然変性蛋白質の卓越した保護活性の分子機構 ( 2018/4 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) leader

[4]. 植物におけるアミロイド様蛋白質の金属生理学的役割の解明 ( 2012/4 ~ 2014/1 ) Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research leader

[5]. 重金属環境下で有害化する植物アミロイド蛋白質の凝集及び毒性発現メカニズムの解明 ( 2011/4 ~ 2016/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) leader

【Research Grants & Projects(except for KAKENHI)】
[1]. (2018/4 - 2019/3 ) [Offer orgnization] 公益財団法人市村清新技術財団 [System name] 植物研究助成金
[2]. (2017/7 ) [Offer orgnization] 一般財団法人東和食品研究振興会
[3]. (2016/4 - 2017/3 ) [Offer orgnization] 一般財団法人 杉山報公会
[4]. (2015/1 - 2016/3 ) [Offer orgnization] 一般財団法人杉山産業化学研究所 [System name] 研究助成
[5]. (2014/4 ) [Offer orgnization] 一般財団法人杉山産業化学研究所 [System name] 研究助成
【Awards & Honors】
[1]. (2005/8)
[Notes] 授与・助成団体名(日本植物細胞分子生物学会)
【Patents, etc.】
[1]. 植物生長促進剤及び植物の生長促進方法 [Application Number] PCT/JP2013/076567 (2013/9/3)
[Notes] 国際特許
[2]. 植物の環境ストレス耐性向上用組成物及び植物の環境ストレス耐性を向上させる方法 [Application Number] PCT/JP2013/ 60071 (2013/4/2)
[Notes] 国際特許
[3]. 植物用環境ストレス耐性向上剤およびその製造方法 [Application Number] 特願2012-84596 (2012/4/3)
[4]. 植物成長促進剤 [Application Number] 特願2012-012202 (2012/1/24)
[5]. 植物耐熱性誘導剤 [Application Number] 特願2011-282111  (2011/12/22)
【Holding academic or research conferences, etc.】
[1]. 静岡大学グリーン科学技術研究所第3回シンポジウム2016 (2016/11)
[Role at conference, etc.] is leader
【Other academic research activity】
[1]. Frontiers in Plant Science, Topic Editor (2014/4 )

Education related information

【Courses being taught this academic year】
[1]. Faculty Course 分析化学1 (2023(FY) - first semester )
[2]. Faculty Course 植物生理学 (2023(FY) - second semester )
[3]. Graduate School Course(Master's) 植物機能生理学演習Ⅰ (2023(FY) - second semester )
[4]. Graduate School Course(Master's) 植物機能生理学演習Ⅱ (2023(FY) - second semester )
[5]. Faculty Course 物理化学2B (2023(FY) - second semester )
【Number of students advising】
Number of master's course students : 2
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 1
Number of master's course students : 3
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of master's course students : 2
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of master's course students : 0
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of master's course students : 5
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 1 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
【Prizes students you are advising won】
[1]. 日本農芸化学会中部支部学術奨励賞 (2012/10)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本農芸化学会中部支部

Contributions to society

【Seminar,Workshop, Event, etc.】
[1]. lecture meeting 日本バイオスティミュラント協議会 (2019/12 )
[Details] 気象変動と農業 植物熱耐性向上剤(HTLEs)とは
[Notes] sola city Conference Center 御茶ノ水
[2]. symposium 令和元年度第2 回日本学術会議中部地区会議学術講演会「地域に根ざした学術研究と地域貢献への展望」 (2019/11 )
[Details] 地域知から生まれた温暖化対応型農業資材「植物熱耐性向上剤」の開発研究
[Notes] 静岡大学
[3]. symposium 2019 National Tsing Hua University-Shizuoka University Bilateral Symposium (2019/10 )
[Details] Proteins in seeds for surviving under deep freeze conditions
[Notes] 台湾国立精華大学
[4]. symposium Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2nd International Postgraduate Symposium in Biotechnology 2019 (2019/9 )
[Details] Adaptation of plants to extreme temperatures -Key proteins in seeds for surviving under deep freeze conditions-
[Notes] マレーシア工科大学
[5]. lecture meeting 静岡大学超領域研究推進本部第11回超領域研究会 (2017/12 )
[Details] 地球温暖化に対応した農業資材の開発研究
[Notes] 静岡大学
【News coverage】
[1]. TV NHKワールドプレミアム 大根おろしの辛さってなに? (2020/11/30)
[2]. TV NHK チコちゃんに叱られる 「大根おろしの不思議」 (2020/2/14)
[Notes] NHK
[3]. TV NHKあさイチ クイズとくもり 疲れない!悩まない!臭わない!“大根おろし” (2018/11/13)
[Notes] NHK
[4]. newspaper 日本経済新聞(静岡) (2017/10/19)
[5]. newspaper 静岡新聞 (2017/10/17)
【Committees outside the university, etc.】
[1]. Frontiers in Plant Science Topic Editor (2014/4 )
[Details of activities]国際専門誌のエディター

International contributions


【School dean, etc.】
[1]. 創造科学技術大学院長 (2021/4 - 2023/3 )
[2]. 大学院自然科学系教育部長 (2021/4 - 2023/3 )
[3]. 農学部応用生命科学科長 (2018/4 - 2019/3 )
[4]. 農学部応用生物化学科長 (2010/4 - 2011/3 )