[1]. A Temperature or Far-ultraviolet Tracer? The HNC/HCN Ratio in M83 on the Scale of Giant Molecular Clouds The Astrophysical Journal 969/2 - 82 (2024) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] internationally co-authored paper [Lead author or co-author] co-author [Author] Harada, N., T. Saito, Y. Nishimura, Y. Watanabe, & K. Sakamoto [URL] [DOI] [2]. Sub-parsec-scale jet-driven water maser with possible gravitational acceleration in the radio galaxy NGC 1052 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 76/3 340-352 (2024) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] internationally co-authored paper [Lead author or co-author] co-author [Author] Kameno, S., Y. Harikane, S. Sawada-Satoh, T. Sawada, T. Saito, K. Nakanishi, E. Humphreys, & C. M. V. Impellizzeri [URL] [DOI] [3]. Cloud-scale molecular gas properties of the ANTENNAE merger: a comparative study with PHANGS-ALMA galaxies and NGC 3256 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530/1 597-612 (2024) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] internationally co-authored paper [Lead author or co-author] co-author [Author] Brunetti, N., C. D. Wilson, H. He, J. Sun, A. K. Leroy, E. Rosolowsky, A. Bemis, F. Bigiel, B. Groves, T. Saito, & E. Schinnerer [DOI] [4]. Sub-parsec-scale jet-driven water maser with possible gravitational acceleration in the radio galaxy NGC 1052 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan / - (2024) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] internationally co-authored paper [Lead author or co-author] co-author [Author] Kameno, S., Y. Harikane, S. Sawada-Satoh, T. Sawada, T. Saito, K. Nakanishi, E. Humphreys, & C. M. V. Impellizzeri [DOI] [5]. Quantitative analysis of the molecular gas morphology in nearby disk galaxies arXiv / - (2024) [Refereed] non-refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] internationally co-authored paper [Lead author or co-author] co-author [Author] Yamamoto, T., D. Iono, T. Saito, N. Kuno, S. K. Stuber, D. Liu, & T. G. Williams [DOI]
[1]. Cloud-scale molecular gas properties of nearby spiral and starburst galaxies with ALMA 第141回 つくば宇宙フォーラム (2024/1/23) invited [Presenter]斉藤俊貴 [URL of the repository, etc.] [2]. Molecular Clouds in Nearby Normal and Extreme Galaxies East-Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2023 (2023/2/1) invited [Presenter]Saito, T. [URL of the repository, etc.] [3]. ALMAおよびJWSTを用いた近傍銀河の観測 近傍宇宙の観測的研究で探る星間物質ライフサイクル (2023/2/1) invited [Presenter]Saito, T. [4]. Negative AGN feedback in the prototypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 A half century of millimeter and submillimeter astronomy: Impact on astronomy/astrophysics and the future (2022/12/1) other [Presenter]Saito, T. [URL of the repository, etc.] [5]. The Cold AGN Outflow in NGC 1068 Characterized by Dissociation Sensitive Molecules using Two-dimensional PCA 日本天文学会 (2022/3/) other [Presenter]斉藤俊貴 [URL of the repository, etc.]
[1]. ALMAデータ解析講習会(初中級編) (2023/7) [Role at conference, etc.] other [Site of conference, etc.] 国立天文台 [Notes] https://www2.nao.ac.jp/~eaarc/DATARED/lecture.html [2]. ALMAデータ解析講習会(中初級編) (2023/2) [Role at conference, etc.] other [Site of conference, etc.] 国立天文台 [Notes] https://www2.nao.ac.jp/~eaarc/DATARED/lecture.html [3]. East Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2022 (2022/1) [Role at conference, etc.] other [Site of conference, etc.] オンライン [Notes] http://alma-sci.nao.ac.jp/EAALMA2022/ [4]. 銀河星形成研究会 2021 (2021/11) [Role at conference, etc.] other [Site of conference, etc.] オンライン [Notes] https://sites.google.com/view/galsf2021