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Researcher DataBase - Personal Information : SAITO Toshiki

Academic conference/research presentations

【Academic conference/research presentations】
[1]. Cloud-scale molecular gas properties of nearby spiral and starburst galaxies with ALMA
第141回 つくば宇宙フォーラム (2024/1/23) invited
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[2]. Molecular Clouds in Nearby Normal and Extreme Galaxies
East-Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2023 (2023/2/1) invited
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[3]. ALMAおよびJWSTを用いた近傍銀河の観測
近傍宇宙の観測的研究で探る星間物質ライフサイクル (2023/2/1) invited
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[4]. Negative AGN feedback in the prototypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068
A half century of millimeter and submillimeter astronomy: Impact on astronomy/astrophysics and the future (2022/12/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[5]. The Cold AGN Outflow in NGC 1068 Characterized by Dissociation Sensitive Molecules using Two-dimensional PCA
日本天文学会 (2022/3/) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[6]. LST-bringing synergy to ALMA in nearby galaxies
Synergies between ALMA and wide-field high-cadence multi-wavelength surveys (2022/3/1) invited
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[7]. The Negative AGN Feedback and Its Chemical Properties in the Nearby Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 1068
ALMA Grant Fellow Symposium 2021 (2021/12/1) invited
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[8]. The Negative AGN Feedback in NGC 1068 and Its Chemical Composition
ALMA/45m/ASTE Users Meeting 2021 (2021/12/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[9]. Kiloparsec-scale Neutral Atomic Carbon Outflow in the Nearby Type-2 Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1068: An Evidence for the Negative AGN Feedback
日本天文学会 (2021/9/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[10]. [CI] in mergers (1): Superlinear [CI]-CO relation in the nearby mid-stage merger IRAS F18293-3413
ALMA/45m/ASTE Users Meeting 2020 (2021/1/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[11]. The Physical Properties of GMCs in Nearby (U)LIRGs
A Heidelberg-Harvard workshop (2020/12/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[12]. A cloud-scale view of the molecular ISM in nearby galaxies with PHANGS-ALMA
European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting (2020/7/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[13]. Swimming through the Interstellar Medium in Galaxies
第4回 SWIMSサイエンスワークショップ (2020/7/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[14]. The First Statistical Study of GMC Properties in Seven Nearby (U)LIRGs
ALMA2019: Science Results and Cross-Facility Synergies (2019/10/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[15]. Data Combination in PHANGS-ALMA Studies, Improving Image Fidelity on Astronomical Data
Improving Image Fidelity on Astronomical Data (2019/8/1) invited
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[16]. Molecular Clouds in the Nearby (U)LIRGs and PHANGS galaxies
Behind the Curtain of Dust III (2019/7/1) invited
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[17]. The Techniques of the PHANGS-ALMA survey
ALMA Workshop for Nearby Galaxies: Science and Techniques (2019/2/1) invited
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[18]. The Science of the PHANGS-ALMA survey
ALMA Workshop for Nearby Galaxies: Science and Techniques (2019/2/1) invited
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[19]. Assessing the Imaging Capability of ALMA at 50 km Baselines
ALMA Long Baseline Workshop (2017/10/1) invited
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[20]. Revealing Physical, Chemical, and Morphological Structures of Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Behind the Curtain of Dust II (2017/9/1) invited
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[21]. Assessing the Future Capability of ALMA at 50 km Baselines
日本天文学会 (2017/9/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[22]. Shock-induced Starbursts in the Nearby Merging LIRG VV 114 with ALMA
日本天文学会 (2017/3/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[23]. Revealing Physical, Chemical, and Morphological Structures of Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies
East-Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2017 (2017/3/1) invited
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[24]. Revealing Physical, Chemical, and Morphological Structures of the Luminous Infrared Galaxy VV 114 with ALMA
Half a Decade of ALMA: Cosmic Dawns Transformed (2016/9/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[25]. Spatially-resolved SED and CO SLED of the merging LIRG NGC 1614
日本天文学会 (2016/9/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[26]. 3 mm and 2 mm Spectral Scan for the Nearby IR-bright Merging Galaxy VV 114
East Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2015 (2015/12/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[27]. Unexpected Discovery of z ~ 2.5 Dusty Star-forming Galaxies with ALMA 54 GHz-wide Spectral Scan
East Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2015 (2015/12/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[28]. Spatially-resolved Radio-to-FIR SED and CO SLED of the Star-forming Merging Galaxy NGC 1614
ALMA/NRO45m/ASTE/Mopra Users Meeting 2015 (2015/9/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[29]. Molecular Gas Excitaion and Chemistry in Nearby LIRGs with ALMA
XXIX IAU General Assembly (2015/8/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[30]. Diffuse and Dense Gas in Nearby Luminous Merging Galaxies
Revolution in astronomy with ALMA: the third year (2014/12/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[31]. Spatial Distribution of Less Abundant Molecules and High-J CO in Nearby Luminous Merging Galaxies
ALMA workshop: Galaxy Formation and Evolution (2014/10/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[32]. NRO45m/TZ and Herschel/SPIRE synergy for multi-phase ISM in local LIRGs
NRO Users Meeting (2014/7/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[33]. Investigating AGN/starburst activities through ALMA multi-line observations in the mid-stage IR-bright merger VV114
East Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2014 (2014/7/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[34]. Investigating AGN/starburst activities through ALMA multi-line observations in the mid-stage IR-bright merger VV114
Galaxies in 3D across the Universe (IAU309) (2014/7/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[35]. Investigating AGN/starburst activities through ALMA multi-line observations in the mid-stage IR-bright merger VV114
3D2014: Gas and stars in galaxies: A multi-wavelength 3D perspective (2014/3/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[36]. Investigating AGN/starburst activities through ALMA multi-line observations in the mid-stage IR-bright merger VV114
日本天文学会 (2014/3/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[37]. Investigating AGN/starburst activities through ALMA multi-line observations in the mid-stage IR-bright merger VV114
The impact of Galactic Structure on Star Formation (2014/2/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[38]. ALMA observations of various gas phases in the IR-bright merger VV114
East Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2014 (2013/9/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[39]. ALMA Observations of the IR-bright Merger VV114
2013 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC'13) (2013/9/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[40]. Various Molecular Gas Responses toward the Mid-stage Merger VV114
日本天文学会 (2013/9/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[41]. SWIMSとALMAの分光観測で探る近傍衝突銀河の星形成
SWIMSサイエンスワークショップ (2013/8/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[42]. Various Molecular Gas Responses toward the Mid-stage Merger VV114
NRO Users Meeting (2013/7/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[43]. ALMA/miniTAO Observations of the IR-bright Merger VV 114
ALMAで探る遠方・近傍宇宙の赤外線銀河研究の新展開 (2013/3/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[44]. ALMA Observations of the IR-bright Merger VV114
日本天文学会 (2013/3/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[45]. ALMA Observations of the IR-bright Merger VV114
New Trends in Radio Astronomy in the ALMA Era: The 30th Anniversary of Nobeyama Radio Observatory (2012/12/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[46]. ALMA Observations of the IR-bright Merger VV114
The First Year of ALMA Science (2012/12/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[47]. ALMA Observations of the IR-bright Merger VV114
ALMA User's Meeting (2012/11/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[48]. ALMA Observations of the IR-bright Merger VV114
日本天文学会 (2012/9/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[49]. ALMA Observations of the IR-bright Merger VV114
East Asian ALMA Science Workshop 2012 (2012/9/1) other
[Presenter]Saito, T.
[50]. ALMA Observations of the IR-bright Merger VV114
NRO Users Meeting (2012/8/1) other
[URL of the repository, etc.]