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静岡大学教員データベース - 教員個別情報 : 野村 祐一郎 (NOMURA Yuhichiro)

論文 等

【論文 等】
[1]. Non linear dimensionality reduction with q-Gaussian distribution
Pattern Analysis and Application 27/1 1-1 (2024年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない
[責任著者・共著者の別] 共著者
[著者] Abe Motoshi, Yuichiro Nomura, Takio Kurita [DOI]
[2]. Data Expansion Approach with Attention Mechanism for Learning with Noisy Labels
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools Vol.32/No.01 - (2023年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない
[責任著者・共著者の別] 責任著者
[著者] Yuichiro Nomura, Takio Kurita [DOI]
[3]. Sample selection approach with number of false predictions for learning with noisy labels
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems Vol.E105-D/No.10 1759-1768 (2022年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない
[責任著者・共著者の別] 責任著者
[著者] Yuichiro Nomura, Takio Kurita
[4]. Summary of Works on Image Classification with Noisy Labels
In Proceedings of the 2022 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Himeji 2022-ECCE Asia) / 1120-1124 (2022年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない
[責任著者・共著者の別] 責任著者
[著者] Yuichiro Nomura, Takio Kurita
[5]. Consistency Regularization on Clean Samples for Learning with Noisy Labels
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems Vol.E105-D/No.2 387-395 (2022年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない
[責任著者・共著者の別] 責任著者
[著者] Yuichiro Nomura, Takio Kurita
[6]. Robust Training of Deep Neural Networks with Noisy Labels by Graph Label Propagation
In Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (IW-FCV) / 281-293 (2021年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない
[責任著者・共著者の別] 責任著者
[著者] Yuichiro Nomura, Takio Kurita
[7]. Channel Planting for Deep Neural Networks using Knowledge Distillation
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2020) / 7573-7579 (2021年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない
[責任著者・共著者の別] 共著者
[著者] Kakeru Mitsuno, Yuichiro Nomura, Takio Kurita
[8]. Non-negative Matrix Factorization of a set of Economic Time Series with Graph Based Smoothing of Basis Vectors and Sparseness of the Coefficients
In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) / 824-829 (2020年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない
[責任著者・共著者の別] 共著者
[著者] Michiaki Ueda, Yuichiro Nomura, Takio Kurita