> 教員個別情報
> 指導学生の受賞
静岡大学教員データベース - 教員個別情報 :
[1]. Young Researcher Award (2024年9月) [受賞学生氏名] Shun Masui (総合科学技術研究科) [授与団体名] International Conference on Global Research and Education (21st Inter-Academia Conference) [備考] Based on poster and short oral presentations for:
S. Masui, R. Asai, A. R. Baskoro, and D. Moraru, Band-to-band tunneling spectroscopy of ene [2]. Young Researcher Award (2024年9月) [受賞学生氏名] Reon Asai (総合科学技術研究科) [授与団体名] International Conference on Global Research and Education (21st Inter-Academia Conference) [備考] Based on poster and short oral presentations for:
R. Asai, S. Masui, S. Miyagawa, and D. Moraru, Study of stability diagrams of codoped silicon nano- [3]. Best Presentation Award (2024年3月) [受賞学生氏名] Daris Alfafa (創造科学技術大学院) [授与団体名] ISFAR 2024 (International Symposium on Future of Advanced Research) [備考] Daris Alfafa1, Arief Udhiarto and Daniel Moraru "Study of organic and hybrid electronics based on solution-based deposition" [4]. Best Poster Presentation Student Award (Inter-Academia 2023) (2023年9月) [受賞学生氏名] Hayato Kawanishi (総合科学技術研究科) [授与団体名] The 20th International Conference on Global Research and Education (Inter-Academia) [備考] Award received for the work:
H. Kawanishi, R. S. Singh, V. N. Ramakrishnan, M. Shimomura, and D. Moraru, “Comparative evaluation of electrical proper [5]. Best Oral Presentation by a Young Scientist (Nanomaterials Sponsor's Award) (2022年9月) [受賞学生氏名] Rohitkumar Shailendra Singh (創造科学技術大学院) [授与団体名] 14th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-14) [備考] For the work:
R. S. Singh, K. Takagi, T. Aoki, J. H. Moon, Y. Neo, F. Iwata, H. Mimura, and D. Moraru
"Deposition and manipulation of carbon nanotub [6]. Best Presentation Award (2021年3月) [受賞学生氏名] Ananta Debnath (総合科学技術研究科) [授与団体名] International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University (ISFAR-SU 2021) [備考] For the work:
A. Debnath, T. T. Jupalli, C. Pandy, and D. Moraru
"Study of single-electron tunneling transport through coupled-donor molecule in low [7]. Young Researchers’ Award (2019年9月) [受賞学生氏名] Kensuke Yamaguchi (総合科学技術研究科) [授与団体名] Inter-Academia2019 [8]. Best Presentation Award (2019年3月) [受賞学生氏名] Prabhudesai Gaurang Pramod (創造科学技術大学院) [授与団体名] Shizuoka University [備考] The 5th International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University 2019 [9]. Best Presentation Award For Young Researcher (2018年11月) [受賞学生氏名] Afiff Adnan Fatahillah (創造科学技術大学院) [授与団体名] Shizuoka University [備考] The 20th Takayanagi Kenjiro Memorial Symposium, The 4th ICNERE Joint Symposium [10]. Young Research Award (2017年8月) [受賞学生氏名] Prabhudesai Gaurang Pramod (創造科学技術大学院) [授与団体名] ICONN (SRM University) [備考] Innovation in the International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN2017) |