[1]. The water transportation within a clonal-fragments of Sasa kurilensis in different light environments –Can understory ramets function as water source to ramets in gaps?– Jpn J For Environ in press/ - (2019年) [査読] 無 [国際共著論文] 該当しない [責任著者・共著者の別] 責任著者 [著者] Yuuki Tsunoda, Kano Ozawa, Yuki Katoh and Hiromi Mizunaga [2]. Do Coarser GapMosaics in Conifer Plantations Induce More Seed Dispersal by Birds? Temporal Changes during 12 Years after Gap Creation Forests 10/918 1-15 (2019年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない [責任著者・共著者の別] 責任著者 [著者] Tsubasa Takano, Yohsuke Kominami and Hiromi Mizunaga [DOI] [3]. Interspecific differences in the hierarchical cluster structure of leaves withon tree crowns in Indochina Tropics 27/ 1-24 (2018年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当する [責任著者・共著者の別] 責任著者 [著者] T. Mochizuki, Dokrak Marod, Dang Thinh Trieu and Hiromi Mizunaga [DOI] [4]. 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