[1]. Polarization Effects on a Diode-type Cadmium Telluride Detector with High Current Density Sensor and Materials 36/1 - 191 (2024年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない [責任著者・共著者の別] 共著者 [著者] Katsuyuki Takagi, Toshiyuki Takagi, Junichi Nishizawa, Hisashi Morii, Hiroki Kase, Kento Tabata, Toru Aoki [DOI] [2]. Charge Sharing Detection Method Using Semiconductor Detectors with Different Mobility of Electrons and Holes Sensor and Materials 36/1 - 177 (2024年) [査読] 無 [国際共著論文] 該当しない [責任著者・共著者の別] 共著者 [著者] Toshiyuki Takagi, Katsuyuki Takagi, Junichi Nishizawa, Hisashi Morii, Hiroki Kase, Kento Tabata, and Toru Aoki [DOI] [3]. Resistance to Pressure in Laser-induced p-n Junction and Schottky Barrier Sensor and Materials 36/1 - 209 (2024年) [査読] 無 [国際共著論文] 該当しない [責任著者・共著者の別] 共著者 [著者] Junichi Nishizawa, Taku Miyake, Toshiyuki Takagi, Katsuyuki Takagi, Hisashi Morii, Hiroki Kase, Kento Tabata, and Toru Aoki [DOI] [4]. Spatial awareness application using mixed reality for 3D X-ray CT examination Journal of Instrumentation 18/3 - P03032 (2023年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない [責任著者・共著者の別] 責任著者 [著者] H. Kase and J. Nishizawa and K. Tabata and K. Takagi and T. Aoki [DOI] [5]. Bias Polarity Switching-Type TlBr X-Ray Imager IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 68/9 2435-2439 (2021年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない [責任著者・共著者の別] 共著者 [著者] Katsuyuki Takagi, Kohei Toyoda, Hiroki Kase, Toshiyuki Takagi, Kento Tabata, Tsuyoshi Terao, Hisashi Morii, Akifumi Koike, Toru Aoki, Mitsuhiro Nogami, Keitaro Hitomi [DOI] |
[1]. Biomedical Engineering Jenny Stanford Publishing (2024年) [著書の別]著書(教育) [単著・共著・編著等の別] 単著 [著者]Hiroki Kase, Toru Aoki, Kento Tabata, Katsuyuki Takagi [担当範囲] Representation by extended reality in X-ray three-dimensional imaging [2]. Biomedical Engineering Jenny Stanford Publishing (2021年) [著書の別]著書(教育) [単著・共著・編著等の別] 単著 [著者]Toru Aoki, Katsuyuki Takagi, Hiroki Kase, Akifumi Koike [担当範囲] X-Ray Semiconductor Imaging Device Technology and Medical-Imaging Application [総頁数] 18 [担当頁] 279-296 |
[1]. Effective three-dimensional representation of internal structures in medical imaging visualization IEEE 20th Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent System and Informatics (2022年9月) 招待講演以外 [発表者]Hiroki Kase, Junichi Nishizawa, Kento Tabata, Katsuyuki Takagi and Toru Aoki [備考] Subotica, Serbia [2]. Measurement of transmission length by X-ray photon counting method International conference on Physics and its applications (2022年7月) 招待講演以外 [発表者]Hiroki Kase, Junichi Nishizawa, Kento Tabata, Katsuyuki Takagi, Toru Aoki [備考] San Francisco, California, United States [3]. Spatial Resolution of X-ray Imaging using TlBr Detector with Silver Electrodes 2021 IEEE NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM AND MEDICAL IMAGING CONFERENCE (2021年11月) 招待講演以外 [発表者]K. Toyoda, K. Takagi, H. Kase, T. Takagi, K. Tabata, H. Morii, A. Koike, T. Aoki, M. Nogami, K. Hitomi [備考] Online [4]. A Study on stereoscopic representation of 3D X-ray CT data using motion capture 22th International Young Scientists Conference Optics and High Technology Material Science SPO2021 (2021年11月) 招待講演以外 [発表者]Kase H, Takagi T, Aoki T [備考] Kiev, Ukraine [5]. High spatial resolution x-ray scintillator with pixel the silicon separator Proc. SPIE 11838, Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XXIII, 118381F (2021年9月) 招待講演以外 [発表者]Toru Aoki, Kento Tabata, Ryota Okate, Shailendra Singh, Hiroki Kase, and Katsuyuki Takagi [備考] San Diego, California, United States