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Researcher DataBase - Personal Information : HORIE Hidefumi

HORIE Hidefumi
Associate Professor
College of Humanities and Social Sciences - Division of Language and Literature
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Department of Language and Literature
Special notes : HORIE Hidefumi
Last updated : 2024/03/13 2:05:04

Basic information on teaching staff

【Degrees earned】
【research area】
Humanities & Social Sciences - Japanese literature
【research themes】
【Academic societies you belong to】
・Japan Society of image Arts and Sciences
・Japan Comparative Literature Association
・Society of Comparative Literature The University of Tokyo

Research information

【Papers, etc.】
56/3 355-370 (2024) [Refereed] non-refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 堀江秀史
/ - (2023) [Refereed] non-refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 堀江秀史
/ 20-22 (2023) [Refereed] non-refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 堀江秀史
/108 45-48 (2023) [Refereed] non-refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 堀江秀史
/510 2-3 (2021) [Refereed] non-refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 堀江秀史
【Books, etc.】
[Book type]book(research)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] single work
[Author]堀江秀史 [Total page number] 335
[Book type]book(research)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] single work
[Author]堀江秀史 [Total page number] 555
[Book type]book(research)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] editor
[Book type]book(educational)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work
[Author]しりあがり寿、山口晃、松本次郎、御幸朋寿、堀江秀史、竹久侑、村田真、土屋誠一、谷口幹也、宮津大輔、三ツ木紀英、山木朝彦、橋本誠、川﨑昌平 [Total page number] 208
[Book type]other
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work
[Author] 堀江秀史、椚座基道、水島宏明、暮沢剛巳、るびゑ、岩崎明仁、草彅洋平 [Total page number] 224
【Academic conference/research presentations】
[1]. Shuji Terayama and Showa, or America: through the Analysis of The Era is on a Circus Elephants (1969)
erayama Shūji International Symposium at UW-Madison (2023/11/4) other
[Presenter]HORIE, Hidefumi
[Notes] 科研共同研究で主催したイベント
[2]. 寺山修司の昭和四〇年代――海外視察との関係から
第61回日本比較文学会東京支部大会シンポジウム「昭和四〇年代カウンターカルチャー再考」 (2023/10/28) other
[Notes] 日本女子大学目白キャンパス
[3]. 〈−〉と〈×〉――研究という行為について
進学選択シンポジウム 私はどのようにして進路を決めたか (2022/4/21) invited
[Notes] 東京大学教養学部、オンライン(ZOOMウェビナー)
[4]. 地域による作家の継承――寺山修司受容を例に
東アジアの変動する地域と横断する地域文化 セクション2〈地域アートと現代日本文化〉 (2022/1/21) invited
[Notes] 仁川大学校、オンライン
【Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research
[1]. 1930年代生まれの日本の芸術家たちによる劇と映像を巡るクロスジャンル研究 ( 2023/4 ~ 2028/3 ) Early-Career Scientists leader

[2]. 寺山修司記念館所蔵資料の基礎研究にもとづく地方文学館利活用の新開発 ( 2020/4 ~ 2023/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) member

[3]. 1930年代生まれの日本の芸術家たちの交流と葛藤に関する領域横断的研究 ( 2019/4 ~ 2022/3 ) Early-Career Scientists leader
【Awards & Honors】
[1]. (2021/6)
【Holding academic or research conferences, etc.】
[1]. 寺山修司国際シンポジウム Terayama Shūji International Symposium at UW-Madison (2024/3)
[Role at conference, etc.] is leader [Site of conference, etc.] マディソン(アメリカ)

Education related information

【Courses being taught this academic year】
[1]. General Education Course 新入生セミナー (2023(FY) - first semester )
[2]. General Education Course ことばと表現 (2023(FY) - second semester )
[3]. Faculty Course 課題研究Ⅰ (2023(FY) - first semester )
[4]. Faculty Course 課題研究Ⅱ (2023(FY) - second semester )
[5]. Faculty Course 日本文学概論Ⅱ (2023(FY) - second semester )
【Number of students advising】
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 6
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 11
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 9
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 8
Number of master's course students : 1
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 7
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 6
【Information education-related information.】
[1]. 指導学生の卒業論文投稿 (2022/4 - 2022/2 )
[Notes] 卒論指導にあたった片瀬菜摘氏(2021年年度卒業)による「中勘助の静岡時代と『鳥の物語』」の、『人文論集』(静岡大学人文社会科学部、令和5年2月28日)への投稿にあたって指導を行なった。

Contributions to society

【News coverage】
[1]. newspaper Nikkei Style Shuji Terayama 今なお響く挑発と叙情 (2024/2/18)
[Notes] 日本経済新聞
【Committees outside the university, etc.】
[1]. さっぽろ寺山修司資料館 評議員 (2023/5 )

International contributions
