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Researcher DataBase - Personal Information : GOTOH Hiroki

GOTOH Hiroki
Assistant Professor
College of Science - Division of Biological Science
Faculty of Science - Department of Biological Science
Graduate School of Science and Technology,Research Division

Last updated : 2024/04/24 2:05:15

Basic information on teaching staff

【Degrees earned】
Ph.D  Hokkaido University   2012/3
【research area】
Life Science - Evolutionary biology
Life Science - Developmental biology
Life Science - Molecular biology
【Academic societies you belong to】
・The Zoological Society of Japan
・Society of Evolutionary studies, Japan
・The Entomological Society of Japan
【Research Seeds】

Research information

【Papers, etc.】
[1]. Adhesion and shrinkage transform the rounded pupal horn into an angular adult horn in Japanese rhinoceros beetle
Development 151/ - dev202082 (2024) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] Matsuda K, Adachi H, Gotoh H, Inoue Y, Kondo S [DOI]
[2]. Histological observation of helmet development in the treehopper Poppea capricornis (Insecta: Hemiptera: Membracidae).
Zoological Science / - (2024) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Sugiura K, Terano T, Adachi H, Hagiwara J, Matsuda K, Nishida K, Hanson P, Kondo S, Gotoh H
[3]. Unveiling the role of differential growth in 3D morphogenesis: An inference method to analyze area expansion rate distribution in biological systems.
Journal of Theoretical Biology 575/ - 111650 (2023) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] Morikawa K, Morita S, Sakura K, Maeno A, Gotoh H, Niimi T, Inoue Y [DOI]
[4]. Evolution of horn length and lifting strength in the Japanese rhinoceros beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus
Current Biology 33/20 4285-42 (2023) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] Weber JN, Kojima W, Boisseau RP, Niimi T, Morita S, Shigenobu S, Gotoh H, Araya K, Lin CP, Thomas-Bulle C, Allen CE, Tong W, Lavine LC, Swanson BO, Emlen DJ [DOI]
[5]. Pupal RNAi methods for analyzing adult development in stag beetles.
Entomological Science 26/2 - e12548 (2023) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Hagiwara J, Nozawa L, Ohtsu I, Shinohara T, Gotoh H. [DOI]
【Academic conference/research presentations】
[1]. クワガタムシにおけるインスリン様ペプチドの機能解析
日本動物学会第94回大会 (2024/9/7) other
[Presenter]北村 明浩, 稲垣 隼, 岡田 泰和, 後藤 寛貴
[2]. ツノゼミ科におけるヘルメットの形態比較と相同点の検討
応用動物昆虫学会 第68回大会 (2024/3/29) other
[Presenter]杉浦 幹太, 寺野 天掌, 千頭 康彦, 後藤 寛貴
[3]. 「ピン留め」と「退縮」による昆虫の形態形成
日本分子生物学会第46回年会 (2023/12/8) invited
[Presenter]後藤 寛貴
[4]. ノコギリクワガタの成虫大顎形成における接着タンパク質の機能解析
日本動物学会中部支部大会 (2023/12/2) other
[Presenter]田中 夏海, 野澤 怜温, 後藤 寛貴
[5]. クワガタムシにおける羽化後の大顎筋力の変化と、大顎の可動性が筋力変化に与える影響
日本動物学会中部支部大会 (2023/12/2) other
[Presenter]稲垣 隼, 直江 菜々子, 北村 明浩, 後藤 寛貴
【Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research
[1]. 「メス化遺伝子」 がオスで発現しても正常に「オス化」できる分子制御機構とは? ( 2021/4 ~ 2024/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) leader

[2]. 性的な武器の進化とその制約の遺伝基盤解明 ( 2021/4 ~ 2025/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) member

[3]. 性的対立の解消をもたらす遺伝的変化の解明 ( 2019/4 ~ 2021/3 ) Early-Career Scientists leader
【Awards & Honors】
[1]. Young Scientist Initiative Award (2022/9)
[Winner] Hiroki Gotoh [Association] The Zoological Society of Japan
[2]. The best poster presentation Award (2020/9)
[Winner] Hiroki Gotoh [Association] The Zoological Society of Japan
[3]. Zoological Science Award/Fujii Award Tsuji et al. 2018. Molecular characterization of eye pigmentation-related ABC transporter genes in the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis reveals striking gene duplication of the white gene. Zoological Science, 35: 260-267. (2019/9)
[Winner] Tsuji et al. [Association] The Zoological Society of Japan
[4]. Young Scientist Initiative Award (2018/9)
[Winner] Hiroki Gotoh [Association] Society of Evolutionary studies, Japan
[5]. Matsuno Environmental Science Award (2016/9)
[Winner] Hiroki Gotoh [Association] Graduate school of Environmental Science, Hokkaido university
【Holding academic or research conferences, etc.】
[1]. 第24回静岡ライフサイエンスシンポジウム (2024/3)
[Role at conference, etc.] is leader [Site of conference, etc.] 静岡
[2]. 第23回静岡ライフサイエンスシンポジウム (2023/4)
[Role at conference, etc.] is leader [Site of conference, etc.] 静岡
[3]. 第22回静岡ライフサイエンスシンポジウム (2022/3)
[Role at conference, etc.] is leader [Site of conference, etc.] オンライン開催

Education related information

【Courses being taught this academic year】
[1]. Faculty Course 生物科学論文演習Ⅰ (2023(FY) - first semester )
[2]. Graduate School Course(Master's) 生物科学特別演習Ⅰ (2023(FY) - full year )
[3]. Graduate School Course(Master's) 生物科学特別演習Ⅱ (2023(FY) - full year )
[4]. Graduate School Course(Master's) 生物科学特別研究 (2023(FY) - full year )
[5]. Graduate School Course(Master's) 生物科学特別論文演習Ⅰ (2023(FY) - full year )
【Number of students advising】
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 3
Number of master's course students : 8
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 1 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 1
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 2
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 4
Number of master's course students : 4
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 1
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 4
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 4
Number of master's course students : 2
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 0
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 4
Number of master's course students : 1
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
【Prizes students you are advising won】
[1]. 応用動物昆虫学会 第68回大会 優秀発表賞 (2024/3)
[Name of student who received the prize] 大津樹 (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Educational Division)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 応用動物昆虫学会
[Notes] 応用動物昆虫学会 第68回大会でのポスター発表に対する受賞
[2]. 成績優秀者表彰 (2024/3)
[Name of student who received the prize] 近藤 颯人 (Faculty of Science)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 静岡大学
[3]. 学科長賞(生物科学科 卒業研究 研究発表賞) (2024/2)
[Name of student who received the prize] 近藤 颯人 (Faculty of Science)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 静岡大学 理学部 生物科学科
[4]. 日本動物学会中部支部大会 優秀発表賞 (2023/12)
[Name of student who received the prize] 近藤 颯人 (Faculty of Science)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本動物学会中部支部
[5]. 日本動物学会中部支部大会 最優秀発表賞 (2023/12)
[Name of student who received the prize] 山内 花音 (Faculty of Science)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本動物学会中部支部

Contributions to society

【News coverage】
[1]. newspaper 女子中学生 理系の魅力発見 (2023/7/6)
[Notes] 静岡新聞朝刊14面

International contributions
