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静岡大学教員データベース - 教員個別情報 : メヒア ディエゴ (MEJIA-GUZMAN Diego Alejandro)


[1]. MSc degree with Summa Cum Laude (2023年10月)
[受賞学生氏名] Andres Felipe Uribe-Zapata (----)
[授与団体名] Universidad Nacional de Colombia, School of Mathematics
[備考] MSc degree with Summa Cum Laude
[2]. Finalist, ISEF 2022 (2022年5月)
[受賞学生氏名] 桐生 有喜 (----)
[授与団体名] Regeneron ISEF
[備考] https://finalistquestionnaire.societyforscience.org/projectlist
[3]. PhD degree with honors (2022年1月)
[受賞学生氏名] Miguel Antonio Cardona-Montoya (----)
[授与団体名] TU Wien, Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation
[備考] PhD degree with honors
[4]. 科学技術振興機構賞 (2021年12月)
[授与団体名] 2021 Japan Science & Engineering Challenge
[備考] https://manabu.asahi.com/jsec/
[5]. Scholarship for master studies (2021年4月)
[受賞学生氏名] Andres Felipe Uribe-Zapata (----)
[授与団体名] Universidad Nacional de Colombia
[備考] Scholarship for the academic year 2021
[6]. Automatic enrollment to the Master Program (2021年4月)
[受賞学生氏名] Andres Felipe Uribe-Zapata (----)
[授与団体名] Universidad Nacional de Colombia
[備考] Automatic enrollment to the master program due to academic excellence during the undergraduate studies at the same university
[7]. Best presentation award (2021年3月)
[授与団体名] ISFAR-SU2021 7th International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University
[備考] FSSで指導している受講生。 https://www.shizuoka.ac.jp/sp/english/event/detail.html?CN=6839
[8]. 銅賞、日本数学コンクール論文賞 (2021年1月)
[授与団体名] 2020年度 日本数学コンクール論文賞
[備考] FSSで指導している受講生。 http://www.aip.nagoya-u.ac.jp/public/math-con/2020/award.html
[9]. 2020JSECの優秀賞 (2020年12月)
[授与団体名] 2020 Japan Science and Engineering Challenge
[備考] FSSで指導している受講生。 最終審査会まで至った参加者への受賞 https://manabu.asahi.com/jsec/ (オンライン・ライブ配信)
[10]. DOC (Doctoral Programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences) (2020年3月)
[受賞学生氏名] Miguel Antonio Cardona-Montoya (----)
[授与団体名] Austrian Academy of Sciences
[備考] Scholarship Period: 2020/3~2022/2
[11]. Scholarship for master studies (2016年1月)
[受賞学生氏名] Alexander Garzon Mayorga (----)
[授与団体名] Universidad Nacional de Colombia
[12]. International academic mobility scholarship (2015年9月)
[受賞学生氏名] Miguel Antonio CARDONA-MONTOYA (----)
[授与団体名] Universidad Nacional de Colombia
[備考] Scholarship used for exchange to TU Wien in Vienna, Austria, from September 1st to October 31st.
[13]. Academic mobility support (2015年9月)
[受賞学生氏名] Miguel Antonio CARDONA-MONTOYA
[授与団体名] Austrian Science fund
[備考] Through grant number P23875.
[14]. Scholarship for master studies (2014年8月)
[受賞学生氏名] Miguel Antonio CARDONA-MONTOYA
[授与団体名] Universidad Nacional de Colombia
[15]. Best performance in research (2014年4月)
[受賞学生氏名] Miguel Antonio CARDONA-MONTOYA
[授与団体名] Universidad Nacional de Colombia
[備考] Awarded for his outstanding master's thesis project.