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静岡大学教員データベース - 教員個別情報 : DEO VIPIN KUMAR (DEO VIPIN KUMAR)


[1]. Inter-Academia Association Online (2022年12月)
[役割] 責任者(議長、実行委員長等) [開催場所] Shizuoka University, Shizuoka Campus, Japan
[備考] Foreign students (around 35) from partner Universities attended the event.
[2]. Inter-Academia Association Online (2021年1月)
[役割] 責任者(議長、実行委員長等) [開催場所] Shizuoka University, Shizuoka Campus, Japan
[備考] Foreign students (around 35) from partner Universities attended the event.
[3]. ABP- Open campus Online (2020年11月)
[役割] 責任者(議長、実行委員長等) [開催場所] Shizuoka University, Shizuoka Campus, Japan
[備考] Foreign students (around 35) from different countries studying in different language schools in japan and out of japan visited the online event to hea
[4]. ABP- Open campus (2019年11月)
[役割] 責任者(議長、実行委員長等) [開催場所] Shizuoka University, Shizuoka Campus, Japan
[備考] Foreign students (around 30) from different countries visited Shizuoka University to hear about Asia Bridge Program.
[5]. Internation Symposium on "Toward the Future of Advanced researches in Shizuoka University" (2017年2月)
[役割] 責任者(議長、実行委員長等) [開催場所] Shizuoka University, Shizuoka
[備考] As chairperson of the Symposium interacted with 9 international university professors and students. Full day event.
[6]. 2016 International Symposium towards the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University (2016年3月)
[役割] 責任者(議長、実行委員長等) [開催場所] Shizuoka campus, Shizuoka University
[備考] Assisted in coordinating the organization of the symposium and acted as chair person of the symposium.
[7]. Shizuoka University International Symposium 2013 (2013年11月)
[役割] 責任者(議長、実行委員長等) [開催場所] Shizuoka city, Granship
[8]. Shizuoka University International Symposium 2011 (2011年11月)
[役割] 責任者(議長、実行委員長等) [開催場所] Shizuoka city
[備考] Shizuoka University International Symposium 2011 “Initiatives for crossing boundaries within Science and Technology”
[9]. Shizuoka University International Symposium "Emerging technologies iin Nano-Bio science" (2011年2月)
[役割] 責任者(議長、実行委員長等) [開催場所] Shizuoka city
[10]. Japan-Korea Joint Symposium "New Trends in Food Biology and Food Chemistry" (2010年6月)
[役割] 責任者(議長、実行委員長等) [開催場所] Shizuoka University