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静岡大学教員データベース - 教員個別情報 : 山本 好比古 (YAMAMOTO Yoshihiko)


[1]. Pre-departure Learning Through Hybrid Sessions for Effective Preparation of Study Abroad Programs
JALT PanSIG 2024 Conference in Fukui (2024年5月24日) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Akiko Chochol, Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] Fukui University of Technology, JALT
[2]. Study Abroad Programs to Foster Students’ Global Perspectives
The 11th International ESD Forum 2023 (2023年12月21日) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Akiko Chochol, Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] Shizuoka University, JPTI6 SDC
[3]. Plagiarism in L2 Writing: Perceptions of Both EFL Teachers and Learners Towards Plagiarism
The Asian Conference on Education 2018 (2018年10月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Tokyo, Japan
[4]. Is there still a gender myth: Science field for boys and humanities for girls?
The Ninth Asian Conference on Education 2017, Official proceedings, The International Academic Forum, pp45-59 (2018年1月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto, Maki Ikoma
[備考] The Ninth Asian Conference onEducation 2017, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR),Kobe,Japan
[5]. Relationship of learning environments to students’ interactive behaviors in a project-based English course
The Ninth Asian Conference on Education 2017, Official proceedings, The International Academic Forum, pp159-169 (2018年1月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Syuichi Amano, Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] The Ninth Asian Conference on Education 2017, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Kobe,Japan
[6]. Is there still a gender myth: science fields for boys and humanities for girls?
The Ninth Asian Conference on Education 2017 (2017年10月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yammoto,Maki Ikoma
[備考] The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Kobe, Japan
[7]. Relationship of learning environments to students' interactive behavior in a project-based English course
The Ninth Asian Conference on Education 2017 (2017年10月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Syuichi Amano, Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Kobe, Japan
[8]. Exploring university students’ insights towards the field trip under the PBL method
The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2017, Official proceedings,The International Academic Forum, pp45-59 (2017年8月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto, Ryuta Yamamoto
[備考] The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2017, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Kobe,Japan
[9]. Exploring university student's insights towards the field trip under the PBL method
The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2017 (2017年6月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yammoto, Ryuta Yamamoto
[備考] The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Kobe, Japan
[10]. Investigating the effective use of online course tools for university athletes in Japan
The Asian Conference on Society, Education & Technology 2016 (2016年10月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Maki Ikoma,Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Kobe, Japan
[11]. Exploring EFL learners’ strategies of how they improve the process of their writing assignments
The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2016 Official proceedings, The International Academic Forum, pp69-85 (2016年8月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto, Akiko Nagao
[備考] The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2016 The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Kobe,Japan
[12]. Exploring EFL learners' strategies of how they improve the process of their writing assignments
The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2016 (2016年4月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto, Akiko Nagao
[備考] The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Kobe, Japan
[13]. Supporting university athletes to succeed in both academic and sport performance at a university in Japan
The Asian Conference on Education 2015 ,Official proceedings, The InternationalAcademic Forum, pp107-126 (2016年1月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] The Asian Conference onEducation 2015, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Kobe,Japan
[14]. Supporting university athletes to succeed in both academic and sport performance at a university in Japan.
The Asian Conference on Education 2015 (2015年10月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Kobe, Japan
[15]. Work-study conflict of undergraduate students in Japan
The Asian Conference on Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education (SLATE) 2015 (2015年8月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto, Akiko Nagao
[備考] The PRESDA Foundation, Hiroshima, Japan
[16]. プロジェクト型英語授業におけるアクティブラーニング施設の活用―実践報告と今後の課題―
全国英語教育学会 (JASELE) 第41回熊本研究大会 (2015年8月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]天野修一, 山本好比古, 藤森敦之, 松野和子
[備考] 全国英語教育学会 (JASELE), 熊本学園大学
[17]. Are women still better at learning languages? Examining gender differences on learners' academic performance at the university.
The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2015 (2015年5月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Kobe, Japan
[18]. Are men still challenging? Exploring gender stereotype in everyday talk
The Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Science 2015 (2015年3月) 招待講演以外
[発表者] Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Osaka, Japan
[19]. Exploring learners’ patterns ofusing online course tool in the university classes
The Asian Conference on Society, Education & Technology 2014, proceedings, The International Academic Forum, 46-60 (2015年1月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto, Akinori Usami
[備考] The Asian Conference onSociety, Education & Technology 2014, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Osaka,Japan
[20]. Teaching Learners of English who are Different Proficiency Levels in One Class
Teach Day Plus 2014 (2014年10月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] Osaka JALT & Kobe JALT, Otemae University
[21]. Exploring learners’ patterns of using online course tool in the university classes
The Asian Conference on Society, Education & Technology 2014 (2014年10月) 招待講演以外
[発表者] Yoshihiko Yamamoto,Akinori Usami
[備考] The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Osaka, Japan
[22]. Collaborative gender talk – a case study of Australian men’s and women’s talk
2014 Graduate Research Showcase (2014年9月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] Kyoto JALT, Campus Plaza Kyoto, Japan
[23]. Examining a Collaborative Conversational Feature between Australian men and women
The Fourth Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2014 proceedings, The InternationalAcademic Forum, pp13-26 (2014年8月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] The Fourth Asian Conference onCultural Studies 2014, The InternationalAcademic Forum, Osaka,Japan
[24]. Learners’ strategy for the assessment of their small group presentation in the EFL class
The Fourth Asian Conference on Language Learning, 2014, proceedings, The InternationalAcademic Forum, pp85-101 (2014年7月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] The Fourth Asian Conference on Language Learning 2014, The International Academic Forum, Osaka,Japan
[25]. Examining a Collaborative Conversational Feature between Australian men and women
The Fourth Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2014 (2014年5月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Osaka, Japan
[26]. Learners' strategy for the assessment of their small group presentation in the EFL class
The Fourth Asian Conference on Language Learning 2014 (2014年4月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Osaka, Japan
[27]. 反転授業形式による英文ライティング添削指導のためのオンライン動画教材の作成と活用について
CIEC春期研究会2014 (2014年3月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]木村 修平, 山本 好比古, 祐伯 敦史
[備考] コンピュータ利用教育学会(CIEC), 大学生協杉並会館
[28]. Teaching and Managing a Project-based English Course to the College students in Diverse Levels of English
The Fifth Asian Conference on Education 2013, proceedings, The InternationalAcademic Forum, pp920-933 (2014年1月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto, Syuhei Kimura
[備考] The Fifth Asian Conference onEducation 2013, The InternationalAcademic Forum, Osaka, Japan
[29]. Teaching and Managing a Project-based English Course to the College students in Diverse Levels of English Proficiency
The Fifth Asian Conference on Education 2013 (2013年10月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto, Syuhei Kimura
[備考] International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Osaka, Japan
[30]. Battle talk between professional chefs in the school kitchen
5th Conversation Analysis Symposium (2006年11月) 招待講演以外
[発表者] Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] Charles Sturt University, Australia
[31]. Japanese openings in telephone conversations
4th Conversation Analysis Symposium (2004年10月) 招待講演以外
[発表者]Yoshihiko Yamamoto
[備考] Australian National University, Australia