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Papers, etc.

【Papers, etc.】
55/ 49-61 (2023) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山卓也,井出 快,榊 広翔,佐々木 映月,宮本 空
3/ 1-10 (2022) [Refereed] non-refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也, 竹端 勇人, 松井 小春, 桐山 智也, 中 尾 聡志, 長縄 貴之 [URL]
[3]. Development of Collective Cohesion Questionnaire in sports
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 66/ 327-342 (2021) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也, 中村 武彦, 西井 良
[4]. Relationship between athlete's psychological characteristics and sport level
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University. Social and natural sciences and liberal arts series 71/ 235-255 (2020) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也 ,松永 祐貴 ,五十嵐 勇哉
[5]. Exploring the success model of the football youth team by viewpoint of produce to the top four European league team players
30/1 31-40 (2020) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也, 中村 武彦, 西井 良, 菅沼 柾希, 宅野 信輔, 千葉 裕花, 増田 百恵, 三井 玲奈
[6]. Research on relation between flow state and psychological condition in sport: by covariance structure analysis
BULLETIN OF THE CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TEACHER DEPARTMENT SHIZUOKA UNIVERSITY (vol)29/(num) 143-151 (2019) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也
[7]. Research on the influence of listening to music by tempo during running
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University. Social and natural sciences and liberal arts series 69/ 123-131 (2018) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也、大野 裕矢
[8]. Research on psychological characteristic of athletes belonging to the university athletic club
BULLETIN of the FACULTY OF EDUCATION SHIZUOKA UNIVERSITY (vol)67/(num) (xxx) 273- (zzz)283 (2017) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也
[9]. Research on motives for participation of regulars and reserves belonging to an university athletic club
BULLETIN OF THE CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TEACHER DEPARTMENT SHIZUOKA UNIVERSITY (vol)26/(num) (xxx) 111- (zzz)116 (2017) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也
(vol)48/(num) (xxx) 1- (zzz)14 (2015) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也
(vol)46/(num) (xxx) - (zzz) (2013) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也
(vol)/(num) (xxx) - (zzz) (2007) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也
Perceptual and Motor Skills (vol)/(num) (xxx) 969- (zzz)982 (2005) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也
(vol)31/(num)1 (xxx) 35- (zzz)48 (2004) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也
(vol)45/(num)1 (xxx) 35- (zzz)48 (2003) [Refereed] non-refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也
(vol)/(num) (xxx) - (zzz) (1999) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 杉山 卓也
(vol)26/(num) (xxx) 19- (zzz)24 (1998) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] [責任著者]北川薫 [共著者]杉山 卓也
(vol)12/(num) (xxx) 51- (zzz)59 (1998) [Refereed] non-refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] [責任著者]吉田行輝 [共著者]杉山 卓也