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Researcher DataBase - Personal Information : MITSUI Yuta

Associate Professor
College of Science - Division of Geosciences
Faculty of Science - Department of Geosciences Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology Department of Science - Geosciences Course
Center for Integrated Research and Education of Natural Hazards

Last updated : 2024/04/15 2:05:05

Basic information on teaching staff

【Degrees earned】
Ph.D (Science)  Kyoto University   2011/1
【research area】
Natural Science - Solid earth sciences
Others - Others
【Research Keyword】
Crustal deformation, Earthquake physics, statistical data analysis, machine learning
【Academic societies you belong to】
・The Seismological Society of Japan
・The Geodetic Society of Japan
・Japan Geoscience Union
・American Geophysical Union
・The Volcanological Society of Japan

Research information

【Papers, etc.】
[1]. Trend Analysis of High-Rate GNSS Data Prior to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake: A Perspective from Spatial Distribution
Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan 69/ 37-41 (2023) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] 三井雄太, 新井璃子 [DOI]
[2]. Along-strike distribution of seismicity and large slow slip correlated with gravity at the Nankai Trough
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 598/ - 117824 (2022) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Yuta Mitsui, Keiji Uehara, Issei Kosugi, Koji Matsuo [Notes] 筆頭著者 (指導学生卒業論文の発展版)
[3]. Azimuthal differences and changes in strain rate and stress of the Japanese Islands deduced from geophysical data
Earth, Planets and Space 74/137 - (2022) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Issei Kosugi, Yuta Mitsui [Notes] 指導学生が筆頭著者
[4]. Displacement fields around the Fuji and Izu-Oshima volcanoes based on InSAR analysis of the Sentinel-1 satellite data
Geoscience Reports of Shizuoka University 48/ 1-9 (2021) [Refereed] non-refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] 福田晴花, 三井雄太 [Notes] 指導学生卒業論文の改訂版
[5]. Numerical model experiment of grain shear events based on Distinct Element Method: Effects of initial condition and frictional coefficient
Geoscience Reports of Shizuoka University 48/ 11-15 (2021) [Refereed] non-refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] 大庭伸一, 三井雄太 [Notes] 指導学生修士論文(一部)の改訂版
【Books, etc.】
[Book type]book(educational)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] contributor
[Author]三井雄太 [Total page number] 256 [REP page number] 10-17, 60-66, 152-154
[2]. Earthquake Research and Analysis – Seismology, Seismotectonic and Earthquake Geology
Intech (2012)
[Book type]book(research)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work
[Author]Yuta Mitsui
[Notes] Chapter 17, Change of Pore Fluid Pressure Versus Frictional Coefficient During Fault Slip
【Academic conference/research presentations】
[1]. 駿河トラフ浅部におけるやや長期的なスロースリップイベントを検出する試み
日本地球惑星科学連合2024年大会 (2024/5/31) other
[2]. 内陸地震の余効変動における三次元不均質の影響:2016年熊本地震の例
日本地球惑星科学連合2024年大会 (2024/5/31) other
[3]. ハイレートGNSSデータの変曲点自動検出:房総半島沖におけるスロースリップイベントの事例
日本地球惑星科学連合2024年大会 (2024/5/31) other
[4]. 測地学分野におけるオープンデータ環境の整備
日本地球惑星科学連合2024年大会 (2024/5/30) other
[5]. B-positive推定の従来法との比較: 日本列島周辺におけるマグニチュード7級地震の余震での例
日本地球惑星科学連合2024年大会 (2024/5/26) other
【Joint or funded research】
[1]. joint (with other institution)
leader ( 2019/9 )
【Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research
[1]. 情報科学と地球物理学の融合によるSlow-to-Fast地震現象の包括的理解 ( 2021/9 ~ 2026/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (A) member
[Notes] 学術変革領域研究(A)

[2]. 1kPa以下の応力変化による地震活動の消長:グローバルからローカルまで ( 2019/4 ~ 2022/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) leader

[3]. 南海トラフ東部におけるレベル1.5地震・津波の実態解明 ( 2017/4 ~ 2020/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) member

[4]. 低速変形から高速すべりまでの地球科学的モデル構築 ( 2016/6 ~ 2021/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (A) member

[5]. 弱い断層における大きな地震の発生過程:強度の低さによる制約 ( 2016/4 ~ 2019/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) leader

【Research Grants & Projects(except for KAKENHI)】
[1]. (2015/4 - 2016/3 ) [Offer orgnization] 稲盛財団 [System name] 2015年度稲盛財団研究助成
[2]. (2010/3 - 2010/9 ) [Offer orgnization] 日本学術振興会 [System name] 優秀若手研究者海外派遣事業
【Awards & Honors】
[1]. (2022/4)
[2]. (2019/4)
[3]. (2018/6)
[Notes] Springer Nature
[4]. (2018/3)
[Notes] Earth, Planets and Space 誌 (地球惑星科学系5学会共同運営)
[5]. (2016/3)
【Holding academic or research conferences, etc.】
[1]. 地震学夏の学校2018 (2018/9)
[Role at conference, etc.] other [Site of conference, etc.] 浜松青少年自然の家
[Notes] 世話人
[2]. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting (2018/6)
[Role at conference, etc.] other
[Notes] メインコンビーナー SE27: Modeling of Slow and Regular Earthquakes
[3]. 平原和朗教授・退職記念研究集会 (2018/3)
[Role at conference, etc.] other [Site of conference, etc.] 京都大学芝蘭会館
[Notes] 世話人
[4]. 新学術領域「スロー地震学」C01班研究集会 (2018/3)
[Role at conference, etc.] is leader [Site of conference, etc.] 静岡大学共通教育C棟
【Other academic research activity】
[1]. 統計数理研究所 客員准教授 (2023/5 )
[2]. 2019年度超領域研究推進本部「若手重点研究者特別支援」 (2019/6 )
[3]. 国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 協力研究員 (2016/4 - 2018/3 )

Education related information

【Courses being taught this academic year】
[1]. Graduate School Course(Master's) 地球科学特別研究 (2023(FY) - full year )
[2]. Graduate School Course(Master's) 地球科学特別演習Ⅴ (2023(FY) - full year )
[3]. Graduate School Course(Master's) 地球科学特別演習Ⅵ (2023(FY) - full year )
[4]. Faculty Course 地球科学野外実習Ⅰ (2023(FY) - full year )
[5]. Faculty Course 地球科学野外実習Ⅱ (2023(FY) - full year )
【Number of students advising】
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 2
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 4
Number of master's course students : 2 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 2
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 4
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 4 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 2
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 4
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 3
Number of master's course students : 1 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 1
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 3
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 3
Number of master's course students : 3
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 3
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 3
Number of master's course students : 2
【Prizes students you are advising won】
[1]. 令和4年度 理学部長表彰 (2023/3)
[Name of student who received the prize] 新井璃子 (Faculty of Science)
[2]. 瀬戸賞 (2022/8)
[Name of student who received the prize] 小杉一誠 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本測地学会
[3]. 令和2年度 理学専攻長表彰 (2021/3)
[Name of student who received the prize] 大庭伸一 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[4]. 令和2年度 静岡大学 修士課程 成績優秀者表彰 (2020/12)
[Name of student who received the prize] 大庭伸一 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[5]. 学生による講演会優秀発表 (日本測地学会第134回講演会) 表彰 (2020/10)
[Name of student who received the prize] 山佳典史 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本測地学会
【Information education-related information.】
[1]. クラス担任 (2017/4 )
[Notes] 地球科学科2017年度入学クラス
[2]. 合気道部顧問 (2014/4 - 2020/9 )

Contributions to society

【Seminar,Workshop, Event, etc.】
[1]. extramural lecture 静岡大学・中日新聞連携講座2023「探る、掘る、解く ~未来へつなぐアプローチ~」 (2023/12 - 2023/12 )
[Details] 宇宙から見た大地の動きとそのメカニズム
[Notes] 静岡大学浜松キャンパスS-Port
[2]. coordination with high-schools 2023年度FSS基礎力養成コース第8回講座 (2023/10 )
[Notes] メインレクチャー
[3]. coordination with high-schools 2022年度FSS基礎力養成コース第4回講座 (2022/10 )
[Notes] メインレクチャー
[4]. extramural lecture サイエンスカフェ in 静岡 (2022/10 - 2022/10 )
[Details] 第158話「宇宙から見た世界・日本・静岡の動き」
[5]. extramural lecture 静岡大学・読売新聞連続市民講座2019「令和を生きる~新時代への展望~」 (2019/11 - 2019/11 )
[Details] 人工衛星データが語る富士山・伊豆半島周辺の動き
[Notes] 静岡県男女共同参画センター「あざれあ」
【News coverage】
[1]. TV スロースリップ研究の最前線 (2023/12/22)
[Notes] NHK
[2]. newspaper 地殻変動 宇宙から測定 (2023/12/21)
[Notes] 中日新聞朝刊11面
[3]. newspaper 静岡大・中日新聞連携講座 (2023/10/18)
[Notes] 中日新聞朝刊20面
[4]. TV プレート境界で何が起きているのか 監視は重要 “スロー地震”に注目 (2023/3/10)
[Notes] 静岡放送
[5]. newspaper 地表の変化から地震考察 (2021/6/8)
[Summary]連載「静岡発 私の提言」
[Notes] 日本経済新聞朝刊31面
【Committees outside the university, etc.】
[1]. 庶務副委員長 (2024/6 - 2025/5 ) [Association] 日本測地学会
[2]. 代議員 (2024/4 - 2026/3 ) [Association] 日本地球惑星科学連合
[3]. 代議員 (2024/4 - 2026/3 ) [Association] 日本地震学会
[4]. 評議員 (2023/6 - 2025/5 ) [Association] 日本測地学会
[Notes] 2017-2019, 2020-2022
[5]. 地震学を社会に伝える連絡会議 委員 (2022/7 ) [Association] 日本地震学会
【Other social activities】
[1]. 理学部サイエンスカフェ店長 (2023/4 - 2024/3 )
[2]. 少年写真新聞社「理科教育ニュース」の監修、執筆 (2023/2 )
[Notes] 2023年3月18日号
[3]. 理学部サイエンスカフェ副店長 (2022/4 - 2023/3 )
[4]. 静岡大学の若手研究者たち (2021/10 )
[Notes] 静岡大学広報誌『SUCCESS』2021年秋号, No.26, 5-6p
[5]. 地震学会広報誌上での若手研究者による座談会 (2017/10 )
[Notes] 下 (なゐふる No.111 6-7p)

International contributions

【Other international contributions】
[1]. 令和4年度IAAミーティングにおける専攻紹介 (2023/1 )
[2]. 平成25年度静岡大学理学研究科海外研究機関派遣研修プロジェクト (2013/9 - 2013/9 )
[Notes] 引率教員
