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Researcher DataBase - Personal Information : IKUTA RYOYA

Associate Professor
College of Science - Division of Geosciences
Faculty of Science - Department of Geosciences Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology Department of Science - Geosciences Course
Center for Integrated Research and Education of Natural Hazards

Last updated : 2023/07/09 20:41:36

Basic information on teaching staff

【Degrees earned】
Nagoya University   2004/3
【consultable area】
Earthquake disaster prevention
【research themes】
Observation of stress-strain state over inter-plate earthquake focal area
Active monitoring of inter-plate coupling using artificial seismic sources
Development of observation technology for ocean floor crustal deformation
【Research Keyword】
GPS, Accurately controlled routinely operated seismic source system, Plate boundary, Earthquakes, Geodesy, Mega-thrust earthquakes
【Academic societies you belong to】
・Seismological Society of Japan
・American Geophysical Union
・Japan GeoScience Union

Research information

【Papers, etc.】
[1]. How credible are earthquake predictions that are based on TEC variations?
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127/ - e2021JA030151 (2022) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Ikuta, R., & R. Oba [DOI]
[2]. Strain partitioning in the southern Ryukyu margin revealed by seafloor geodetic and seismological observations.
Geophysical Research Letters / - 2022GL098218 (2022) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] Chen, H-Y., Y-J. Hsu, R. Ikuta, H. Tung, C-H. Tang, C-S. Ku, H-H. Su, P-R. Jian, M. Ando, & T. Tsujii [Notes] データ解析
[3]. Temporal change in seismic wave attenuation using highly stable vibration sources
Earth, Planets and Space 74/15 - (2022) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] Tsuji, S., Yamaoka, K., Ikuta, R. [Notes] データ取得、手法の開発に関与
[4]. Reanalysis of the ionospheric total electron content anomalies around the 2011 Tohoku-Oki and 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes: Lack of a clear precursor of large earthquakes
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127/e2021JA029376 - (2021) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] [責任著者]Ikuta Ryoya, [共著者]R. Ohba, D. Kiguchi, T. Hisada [DOI]
[5]. Decade of Global Navigation Satellite System/Acoustic Measurements of Back-Arc Spreading in the Southwestern Okinawa Trough
Frontiers in Earth Science 9/601138 - (2021) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Chen H-Y, [責任著者]R. Ikuta, [共著者]Y-J. Hsu, T. Tsujii, M. Ando, Y. Tu, T. Kohmi, K. Takemoto, K. Mizuno, T. Hsin, C-S. Ku and C-H. Lin [DOI]
【Books, etc.】
Shogakukan (2020)
[Book type]book(educational)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] supervisor
[Author]藤子・F・不二夫、共同監修 村越真・生田領野 [Total page number] 197 [REP page number] 1-93
[2]. Science of Large-scale Natural Disasters in Shizuoka
The Shizuoka Shimbun (2020)
[Book type]book(research)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] contributor
[Author]岩田孝仁・北村晃寿・小山真人・三井雄太・生田領野・狩野謙一ほか13名 [Range] Mega-thrust earthquake beneath Shizuoka Prefecture -perspective from the modern seismology- [Total page number] 255ページ [REP page number] 51-59
[3]. Seismogenic Process Monitoring: Experimental and Mining Seismology
Balkema (2002)
[Book type]book(research)
[Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] single work
[Author]Yamaoka, K., R. Ikuta, K. Miyakawa, T. Kunitomo, M. Kumazawa [Range] A precise method for monitoring the temporal variation of wave propagation [REP page number] 379-397
【Joint or funded research】
[1]. joint (with other institution) 稠密GPS観測に基づく東海地方下の歪場と,地殻内の弾性/非弾性物性分布の解明
leader ( 2017/4 ~ 2018/3 )
[Partners] 東京大学地震研究所
【Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research
[1]. 化石複眼の構造-視覚機能の成熟プロセスの解明:視覚特性の進化多様性 ( 2021/4 ~ 2024/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) member
[Notes] 全体額入力

[2]. 琉球海溝南西部の歪場を海底地殻変動観測から解明する ( 2017/4 ~ 2020/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) member

[3]. 1771年八重山大津波域でのプレート固着状態の観測調査 ( 2014/4 ~ 2017/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) member

[4]. 東海地震の固着域の時空間分布の推定-遷移域・固着域の相互作用の解明を目指して- ( 2011/4 ~ 2012/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) leader

[5]. 海底における地殻変動のリアルタイム・高精度計測手法の開発 ( 2008/10 ~ 2009/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Start-up) leader
[Notes] 辞退

【Awards & Honors】
[1]. (2014/4)
【Holding academic or research conferences, etc.】
[1]. 日本地震学会2011年度秋季大会 (2011/10)
[Role at conference, etc.] other [Site of conference, etc.] 静岡市グランシップ
[Notes] LOC.(実行委員長=里村幹夫教授) 参加者700名

Education related information

【Courses being taught this academic year】
[1]. Graduate School Course(Master's) 地震学特論 (2023(FY) - second semester )
[2]. Faculty Course 地球科学入門Ⅲ (2023(FY) - second semester )
[3]. Faculty Course 地球科学野外実習Ⅰ (2023(FY) - full year )
[4]. Faculty Course 地球ダイナミクス概論Ⅱ (2023(FY) - second semester )
[5]. Faculty Course 地球物理学 (2023(FY) - first semester )
【Number of students advising】
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 2
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 4
Number of master's course students : 5
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 4
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 4
Number of master's course students : 2
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 4
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 4
Number of master's course students : 4
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
[Notes] 内 留学生1名(修士学生)
Number of master's course students : 0
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
[Notes] 留学生(学部研究生)1名
Number of master's course students : 0
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0

Contributions to society

【Seminar,Workshop, Event, etc.】
[1]. training courses サイエンスカフェ (2017/12 )
[Details] 「静かでは無い岡、かならず起こる大地震を知って備えよう」
[Notes] 静岡科学館
[2]. lecture meeting 長田生涯学習センター 講演会 (2017/7 - 2017/7 )
[Details] 「駿河湾をもっと知ろう」
[Notes] 長田生涯学習センター
[3]. lecture meeting 第24回海洋教育フォーラム (2016/11 )
[Details] 「駿河湾のふか~い話 ~深海をのぞいてみよう~」
[Notes] 日本船舶海洋工学会海洋教育推進委員会主催,静岡市江崎ホール
【News coverage】
[1]. TV 地震・防災チェック (2021/3/6)
[Notes] 静岡第一テレビ
[2]. TV 防災特集・東日本大震災から10年 (2021/3/6)
[Notes] 静岡第一テレビ
[3]. TV 地震・防災チェック (2021/2/27)
[Notes] 静岡第一テレビ
[4]. newspaper 南海トラフ事前避難案 予知困難前震で (「大震法存続を批判」) (2017/8/26)
[Notes] 中日新聞朝刊1面
[5]. newspaper 大地震の定説、本当?「慶長、南海トラフではない」  (2013/10/31)
[Notes] 朝日新聞(朝刊)科学 P31
【Committees outside the university, etc.】
[1]. 広報委員会 (2014/4 ) [Association] 日本地震学会
[Details of activities]広報紙の編集
[2]. 広報紙編集長 (2014/4 - 2016/3 ) [Association] 日本地震学会
[Details of activities]広報紙の責任編集
[3]. 代議員 (2012/4 ) [Association] 日本地震学会
[Details of activities]学会の運営等の検討

International contributions
