[1]. Ontogenetic Expression of Aquaporins in the Kidney and Urinary Bladder of the Japanese Tree Frog, Dryophytes japonicus Zoological Science 41/1 124-131 (2024年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない [責任著者・共著者の別] 責任著者 [著者] Masatoshi Hibino, Ryota Aoki, Duy Anh Ha, Haruna Sano, Shiori Yamashita, Haruto Ogasawara, Kazuma Nishio, Kohei Kotake, Md. Main Uddin Mamun, Reiko Okada, Yuki Shibata, Masakazu Suzuki [DOI] [2]. The hagfish genome and the evolution of vertebrates Nature 627/ 811-820 (2024年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当する [責任著者・共著者の別] 共著者 [著者] Marlétaz F, Timoshevskaya N, Timoshevskiy VA, Parey E, Simakov O, Gavriouchkina D, Suzuki M, Kubokawa K, Brenner S, Smith JJ, Rokhsar DS. [DOI] [3]. Gross anatomy of the Pacific hagfish, Eptatretus burgeri, with special reference to the coelomic viscera The anatomical record / - (2023年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない [責任著者・共著者の別] 共著者 [著者] Banri Muramatsu, Daichi G Suzuki, Masakazu Suzuki, Hiroki Higashiyama [DOI] [4]. Possible molecular mechanism for acute encephalopathy by angel-wing mushroom ingestion - Involvement of three constituents in onset Toxicon 221/ - 106958 (2023年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない [責任著者・共著者の別] 共著者 [著者] Tomohiro Suzuki, Tomohiro Asakawa, Fumihiko Maekawa, Eiki Kimura, Yuki Tezuka, Luna Nakamura, Takumi Sato, Yuto Arai, Jae-Hoon Choi, Masakazu Suzuki, Hideo Dohra, Hirofumi Hirai, Hirokazu Kawagishi [DOI] [5]. A novel type of prolactin expressed in the bullfrog pituitary specifically during the larval period Gen Comp Endocrinol . 276/ 77-85 (2019年) [査読] 有 [国際共著論文] 該当しない [責任著者・共著者の別] 共著者 [著者] Reiko Okada , Masakazu Suzuki , Nozomi Ito , Susumu Hyodo , Sakae Kikuyama [DOI] [6]. 両生類の水代謝と環境適応におけるAQPの役割 比較内分泌学 (vol)43/(num)161 (xxx) 84- (zzz)84 (2017年) [査読] 無 [国際共著論文] 該当しない [責任著者・共著者の別] 責任著者 [著者] 鈴木 雅一 [7]. Molecular and cellular characterization of urinary bladder-type aquaporin in Xenopus laevis Gen. Comp. 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