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Researcher DataBase - Personal Information : Hosaka Tetsuya

Hosaka Tetsuya
Associate Professor
College of Science - Division of Mathematics
Faculty of Science - Department of Mathematics Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology Department of Science - Mathematics Course
Graduate School of Science and Technology,Research Division - Research of Basic Science
Last updated : 2024/03/05 2:05:22

Basic information on teaching staff

【Degrees earned】
University of Tsukuba   2001/3
【research area】
Natural Science - Geometry
Natural Science - Algebra
【consultable area】
Geometric group theory
Geometry and reflections
Graph theory
Topics on mathematics
【research themes】
Research on Coxeter groups
Research on reconstructible graphs
Research on reflection groups of geodesic spaces
【Research Keyword】
Geometric group theory, Graph theory, Coxeter groups, reflection groups, CAT(0) groups and CAT(0) spaces, discrete groups

Research information

【Papers, etc.】
[1]. The Reconstruction Conjecture for finite simple graphs and associated directed graphs
Discrete Mathematics 345/7 1-20 112893 (2022) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Tetsuya Hosaka [URL] [DOI]
[2]. Hyperbolic right-angled Coxeter groups with boundaries as a Sierpiński carpet and a Menger curve
Topology and its Applications 260/ 70-85 (2019) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] Naotsugu Chinen; Tetsuya Hosaka [URL] [DOI]
[3]. Reconstructible graphs, simplicial flag complexes of homology manifolds and associated right-angled Coxeter groups
Osaka Journal of Mathematics 52/4 1173-1180 (2015) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Tetsuya Hosaka [URL]
[4]. On equivariant homeomorphisms of boundaries of CAT(0) groups and Coxeter groups
Differential Geometry and its Applications 43/ 68-94 (2015) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Tetsuya Hosaka [URL] [DOI]
[5]. Erratum to "Asymptotic dimension and boundary dimension of proper CAT(0) spaces''
Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 39/1 165- 166 (2015) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] Naotsugu Chinen; Tetsuya Hosaka [Notes] 論文全体を共同で執筆した
【Academic conference/research presentations】
[1]. グラフの再構成可能予想と関連付けられた有向グラフについて
静岡複素解析幾何セミナー (2020/12/23) other
[Presenter]保坂 哲也
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[Notes] 場所:静岡大学理学部C309 世話人:足立真訓先生
[2]. Coxeter群の同型問題の周辺と幾何的な視点の紹介II
第26回沼津改め静岡研究会---幾何,数理物理,そして量子論--- (2019/3/8) other
[Presenter]保坂 哲也
[Notes] 場所:静岡大学理学部C309 世話人:待田芳徳先生,保坂哲也,足立真訓先生,高橋雅朋先生
[3]. Coxeter群の同型問題の周辺と幾何的な視点の紹介
第25回沼津改め静岡研究会---幾何,数理物理,そして量子論--- (2018/3/) other
[Presenter]保坂 哲也
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[Notes] 場所:静岡大学理学部C309 世話人:待田芳徳先生,保坂哲也,高橋雅朋先生
[4]. 有限生成無限Coxeter群の分類問題とtwist-rigidの紹介
早稲田双曲幾何幾何学的群論セミナー (2017/7/) other
[Presenter]保坂 哲也
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[Notes] 場所:早稲田大学教育学部 主催者:小森洋平先生
[5]. 測地空間の離散鏡映群とCoxeter群について
早稲田双曲幾何幾何学的群論セミナー (2017/7/) other
[Presenter]保坂 哲也
[URL of the repository, etc.]
[Notes] 場所:早稲田大学教育学部 主催者:小森洋平先生
【Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research
[1]. 群の作用する非正曲率空間および無限コクセター群と有限グラフの研究 ( 2018/4 ~ 2022/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) leader
[Notes] 2018年度~2021年度 総額:2080千円 2018年度:650千円 (直接経費:500千円, 間接経費:150千円) 2019年度:390千円 (直接経費:300千円, 間接経費: 90千円) 2020年度:650千円 (直接経費:500千円, 間接経費:150千円) 2021年度:

[2]. 非正曲率空間とその等長変換群およびコクセター群の研究 ( 2013/4 ~ 2017/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) leader
[Notes] 2013年度~2017年度 総額:4160千円 2013年度:1170千円 (直接経費:900千円, 間接経費:270千円) 2014年度:1170千円 (直接経費:900千円, 間接経費:270千円) 2015年度:910千円 (直接経費:700千円, 間接経費:210千円) 2016年

[3]. 群作用のある非正曲率空間およびコクセター群の研究 ( 2009/4 ~ 2013/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) leader
[Notes] 2009年度~2012年度 総額:4290千円 2009年度:1300千円 (直接経費:1000千円, 間接経費:300千円) 2010年度:1170千円 (直接経費:900千円, 間接経費:270千円) 2011年度:910千円 (直接経費:700千円, 間接経費:210千円) 2012
【Awards & Honors】
[1]. (2004/9)
【Holding academic or research conferences, etc.】
[1]. 第26回沼津改め静岡研究会---幾何,数理物理,そして量子論--- (2019/3)
[Role at conference, etc.] other [Site of conference, etc.] 静岡大学理学部C309
[Notes] 平成30年3月6日(水)14:00~3月8日(金)15:20 会場:静岡大理C309 世話人:待田芳徳先生,保坂哲也,足立真訓先生,高橋雅朋先生
[2]. 第25回沼津改め静岡研究会---幾何,数理物理,そして量子論--- (2018/3)
[Role at conference, etc.] other [Site of conference, etc.] 静岡大学理学部C309
[Notes] 平成30年3月6日(火)14:00~3月8日(木)15:20 会場:静岡大理C309 世話人:待田芳徳先生,保坂哲也,高橋雅朋先生

Education related information

【Courses being taught this academic year】
[1]. Faculty Course 数学Ⅰ(微分積分A) (2023(FY) - first semester )
[Notes] 主担当. 受講者数76名.
[2]. Faculty Course 数学Ⅳ(線形代数B) (2023(FY) - second semester )
[Notes] 主担当. 受講者数107名.
[3]. Faculty Course 線型代数学Ⅰ (2023(FY) - first semester )
[Notes] 主担当. 受講者数44名.
[4]. Faculty Course 位相数学Ⅰ (2023(FY) - second semester )
[Notes] 主担当. 受講者数30名.
[5]. Faculty Course 離散幾何学 (2023(FY) - first semester )
[Notes] 主担当. 受講者数44名.
【Number of students advising】
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 0
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 4
Number of master's course students : 1
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
[Notes] 修士1名が9月修了.
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 0
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 5
Number of master's course students : 2
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 0
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 4
Number of master's course students : 3
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 0
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 6
Number of master's course students : 1
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 0
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 3
Number of master's course students : 0
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0

Contributions to society

【Seminar,Workshop, Event, etc.】
[1]. lecture meeting サイエンスカフェin静岡・講演 (H29.11.30) (2017/11 )
[Details] サイエンスカフェin静岡で講演「三角形の鏡映による敷き詰めからコクセター群へ」 (H29.11.30)
[Notes] B-nest静岡市産学交流センター ペガサート6階プレゼンテーションルーム / H29.11.30

International contributions
