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静岡大学教員データベース - 教員個別情報 : 山本 裕之 (YAMAMOTO Hiroyuki)

論文 等

【論文 等】
[1]. Enhanced proteolytic activity directed against the N-terminal of IGF-(]G0001[) in diabetic rats
Journal of Endocrinology 162/ 243 (1999年)
[2]. Disposition of radiolabelled insulin-like growth factor (]G0001[)(IGF), IGF-(]G0002[) and their N-terminal truncated variants in rats.
Endocrine Journal 43/Suppl. S77-80 (1996年)
[3]. Enzymatic conversion of IGF-(]G0001[) to des(1-3)IGF-(]G0001[) in rat serum and tissues : a further potential site of growth hormone regulation of IGF-(]G0001[) action.
Journal of Endocrinology 146/ 141 (1995年)
[4]. N-terminal truncated insulin-like growth factor (]G0001[) in urine.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 80/4 1179 (1995年)
[5]. Goneration of des-(1-3)insulin-like growth factor (]G0001[) in serum by an acid protease
Endocrinology 135/ 2432 (1994年)
[6]. Relationship between plasma insulin-like growth factor (]G0001[)(IGF-(]G0001[))levels and body mass index(BMI)in adults
Endocrine Journal 40/ 41 (1993年)
[7]. Effects of age, sex and seral function on urinaly insulin-like growth factor (]G0001[)(IGF-(]G0001[))levels in adults
Endocrinologia Japonica 39/ 507 (1992年)
[8]. Effects of aging and sex on plasma insulin-like growth factor (]G0001[)(IGF-(]G0001[))levels in normal adults
Acta Endocrinologica(Copenh.) 124/ 497 (1991年)