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Researcher DataBase - Personal Information : OKABAYASHI Toshiaki

College of Science - Division of Chemistry
Faculty of Science - Department of Chemistry Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology Department of Science - Chemistry Course
Graduate School of Science and Technology,Research Division - Research of Basic Science

Last updated : 2023/07/09 20:42:00

Basic information on teaching staff

【Degrees earned】
Kyushu University   1997/2
【consultable area】
Molecular Spectroscopy
【research themes】
Physico-chemical properties of transition metalic species
Transient metalic species in sputtering reaction
Reaction of transition metal in high temperature gas
【Research Keyword】
Radicals, Transition Metalic Species, Cluster
【Academic societies you belong to】
・Spectroscopical Society of Japan
・Chemical Society of Japan

Research information

【Papers, etc.】
[1]. Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy of CoNO
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 353/ 54-59 (2018) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Toshiaki Okabayashi, Satoshi Matsumoto, Takahiro Oyama, Emi Y. Okabayashi, Mitsutoshi Tanimoto [DOI]
[2]. Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of AgCN and AuCN
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 1164/ 539-545 (2018) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] Toshiaki Okabayashi, Aya Nakane,Hirofumi Kubota,Yoshiro Mitani,Takuya Yamamoto,Satoshi Matsumoto, Mitsutoshi Tanimoto [DOI]
[3]. Rotational Spectrum of the AgS Radical in the X 2Pi_i state
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 329/ 13-19 (2016) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] author
[Author] [責任著者]Toshiaki Okabayashi [共著者]Atsushi Oya, Takuya Yamamoto, Den-ichiro, Mizuguchi, Mitsutoshi Tanimoto
[4]. Fourier Transform Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy of Bromoiodomethane, CH_2BrI
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118/50 11744-11750 (2014) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] [責任著者]Stephane Bailleux [共著者]Denis Duflot ,Kotomi Taniguchi,Shohei Sakai,Hiroyuki Ozeki,Toshiaki Okabayashi [Notes] Other author; William C. Bailey
[5]. Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy of the H2-H2O complex
Chemical Physics Letters 605-606/ 67-70 (2014) [Refereed] refereed [Internationally co-authored papers] non-internationally co-authored paper
[Lead author or co-author] co-author
[Author] [責任著者]Kensuke Harada [共著者]Keiichi Tanaka,Hirofumi Kubota,Toshiaki Okabayashi
【Academic conference/research presentations】
[1]. AuIのミリ波分光
第13回分子科学討論会2019 (2019/9/) other
[Presenter]岡林 利明, 杉山 知希, 清瀬 玄,
[Notes] 名古屋大学 東山キャンパス 名古屋市千種区
[2]. PdSのマイクロ波分光
第18回分子分光研究会 (2018/3/) other
[Presenter]清瀬 玄,岡林 利明
[Notes] 文部科学省 研究交流センター つくば市
[3]. Fourier Transform Microwave Spectroscopy of H2S-MSH (M=Cu, Ag, and Au)
34th International Symposium on Free Radicals (2017/8/) other
[Presenter]Toshiaki Okabayashi,Hirofumi Kubota,Junpei Shirasaki,Emi Y. Okabayashi
[Notes] Shonan Village Center, Hayama
[4]. AuOD のミリ波分光
第10 回分子科学討論会2016 (2016/9/) other
[Presenter]岡林 利明,高橋 竜樹,岡林 恵美
[Notes] 神戸ファッションマート 神戸市東灘区
[5]. 一硫化金AuS の高精度理論計算
第10 回分子科学討論会2016 (2016/9/) other
[Presenter]岡林 恵美,岡林 利明,平野 恒夫
[Notes] 神戸ファッションマート 神戸市東灘区
【Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research
[1]. 放電支援型レーザーアブレーション法が開く含遷移金属活性種研究の新たな扉 ( 2014/4 ~ 2017/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) leader

[2]. 超低温化学スパッタリング法が切り開く含遷移金属活性種研究の新局面 ( 2011/4 ~ 2014/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) leader

[3]. 含遷移金属活性種研究の新展開~ナノクラスターの高分解能分光を目指して~ ( 2008/4 ~ 2011/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) leader

[4]. スパッタリング反応中に現れる含金属短寿命活性種とその反応メカニズムの解明 ( 2003/4 ~ 2006/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research leader

[5]. 遷移金属を含む多重項活性種(ラジカル/クラスター)の物理化学的性質の研究 ( 2000/4 ~ 2002/3 ) Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Scientists (A) leader

【Research Grants & Projects(except for KAKENHI)】
[1]. 高温排ガス中の有害気体ニッケル化合物と環境への拡散阻止 (2007/10 - 2008/9 ) [Offer orgnization] (財)鉄鋼業環境保全技術開発基金 [System name] 環境研究助成
[2]. 放電プラズマ中に存在する含金属活性種とスパッタリング反応時におけるその役割 (2001/11 - 2003/10 ) [Offer orgnization] 財団法人川鉄21世紀財団 [System name] 技術研究助成金
[3]. 高温排ガス中の有害気体重金属化合物と環境中への拡散阻止 (2001/9 - 2002/8 ) [Offer orgnization] 財団法人静岡総合研究機構 [System name] 学術教育研究推進事業費補助金(一般研究助成 ) 
[4]. 高温排ガス中の有害気体重金属化合物と環境中への拡散阻止 (2001/9 - 2002/8 ) [Offer orgnization] 財団法人浜松科学技術研究振興会 [System name] 科学技術試験研究助成金
【Holding academic or research conferences, etc.】
[1]. 第19回分子分光研究会 (2019/3)
[Role at conference, etc.] is leader [Site of conference, etc.] 静岡大学理学部
[2]. 東海コンファレンス in 静岡 2017 (2017/12)
[Role at conference, etc.] is leader [Site of conference, etc.] B-nest (静岡市)
[3]. 分子構造総合討論会2006 (2006/9)
[Role at conference, etc.] other [Site of conference, etc.] グランシップ(静岡市)
[4]. 第36回中部化学関係学協会支部連合秋季大会 (2005/9)
[Role at conference, etc.] other [Site of conference, etc.] グランシップ(静岡市)
【Other academic research activity】
[1]. 日本化学会東海支部 幹事 (2017/3 - 2019/2 )
[2]. 分子分光研究会 運営委員 (2016/4 )
[3]. 日本化学会東海支部 代表正会員 (2007/3 - 2009/2 )
[4]. 日本化学会東海支部 職域会員代表 (2006/3 - 2007/2 )

Education related information

【Courses being taught this academic year】
[1]. General Education Course 生活の科学 (2023(FY) - first semester )
[2]. Graduate School Course(Master's) 構造物理化学特論 (2023(FY) - first semester )
[3]. Faculty Course 化学Ⅰ(物理化学A) (2023(FY) - first semester )
[4]. Faculty Course 基礎量子化学 (2023(FY) - first semester )
[5]. Faculty Course 物理化学実験 (2023(FY) - second semester )
【Number of students advising】
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 0
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 0
Number of master's course students : 0
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of undergraduate students(junior students) 0
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 0
Number of master's course students : 1
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 0
Number of master's course students : 1
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 2
Number of master's course students : 0
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
Number of undergraduate students(senior students) 2
Number of master's course students : 3
Number of doctorate course students (main advisor) : 0 Number of doctorate course students (assistant advisor) : 0
【Prizes students you are advising won】
[1]. 優秀講演賞 (2018/3)
[Name of student who received the prize] 清瀬 玄
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 分子分光研究会

Contributions to society

【Seminar,Workshop, Event, etc.】
[1]. lecture meeting サイエンスカフェ静岡講師 (2011/11 )
[Notes] ペガサート(静岡市葵区)
[2]. training courses 出張講義 (2009/7 )
[Notes] 静岡県立掛川西高等学校

International contributions


【School dean, etc.】
[1]. 放射科学研究教育推進センター長 (2020/4 - 2023/3 )
[2]. 理学部副学部長 (2019/4 - 2021/3 )
[3]. 理学部化学科長 (2018/4 - 2019/3 )
[4]. 大学院創造科学技術研究部ベーシック部門長 (2012/4 - 2013/3 )
[5]. 理学部化学科長 (2010/4 - 2011/3 )