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Prizes students you are advising won

【Prizes students you are advising won】
[1]. エレクトロニクスソサイエティ学生奨励賞 (2024/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 増澤俊輝 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 一般社団法人 電子情報通信学会 エレクトロニクスソサイエティ
[Notes] 電子情報通信学会2024年総合大会
[2]. 優秀発表賞 (2023/12)
[Name of student who received the prize] 濵田悠太 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] レーザー学会中部支部
[Notes] レーザー学会中部支部2023年度若手研究発表会
[3]. 優秀発表賞 (2022/12)
[Name of student who received the prize] 吉永 崇仁 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] レーザー学会中部支部
[Notes] 2022年度レーザー学会中部支部若手研究発表会
[4]. OPTIC 2022 Student Paper Oral Award (2022/12)
[Name of student who received the prize] 吉永崇仁 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] Taiwan Photonics Society (TPS)
[Notes] Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC) 2022
[5]. Poster Presentation Award (2022/12)
[Name of student who received the prize] 深谷祐輔 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] Technical Group on Information Sensing Technologies (IST), The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers (ITE)
[Notes] 5th International Workshop on Image Sensors and Imaging Systems (IWISS2022)
[6]. The Best Presentation Award For Young Researchers (2022/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 吉永崇仁 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University
[Notes] The 24th Takayanagi Kenjiro Memorial Symposium
[7]. The Best Presentation Award For Young Researchers (2022/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 深谷祐輔 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University
[Notes] The 24th Takayanagi Kenjiro Memorial Symposium
[8]. 第8回OPJ優秀講演賞 (2022/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 水野文菜 (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Educational Division)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 一般社団法人 日本光学会
[Notes] Optics & Photonics Japan 2022 (OPJ2022)
[9]. Outstanding Student Paper Award(On-site Poster Presentation) (2022/4)
[Name of student who received the prize] 隼瀬真衣 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] COLA2021/2022 Organization Committee
[Notes] COLA 2021/2022 16th International Conference on Laser Ablation
[10]. Best presentation award (2022/3)
[Name of student who received the prize] Ayana Mizuno (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Educational Division)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] Shizuoka University
[Notes] The 8th International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University
[11]. 令和2年度学長表彰 (2021/3)
[Name of student who received the prize] 廣瀬敏晃 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 静岡大学
[12]. 優秀発表賞 (2020/12)
[Name of student who received the prize] 廣瀬敏晃 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] レーザー学会中部支部
[Notes] 令和2年度レーザー学会中部支部若手研究発表会
[13]. OPJ優秀講演賞 (2020/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 廣瀬敏晃 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本光学会
[Notes] Optics & Photonics Japan 2020
[14]. 創造科学技術大学院長表彰 (2020/3)
[Name of student who received the prize] 宮道篤孝 (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Educational Division)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 静岡大学創造科学技術大学院
[15]. Young Researchers Poster Award (2019/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] Ayana Mizuno (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] Shizuoka University
[Notes] The 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Hamamatsu, 14th Nov. 2019
[16]. 優秀発表賞 (2019/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 福富 拓 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] レーザー学会中部支部
[Notes] レーザー学会中部支部若手研究発表会,名古屋,2019年11月19日
[17]. ITE Open Poster Session Best Poster Award 2nd place (2018/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] Atsutaka Miyamichi (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Educational Division)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] OSJ
[Notes] 4th International Workshop on Image Sensors and Imaging Systems (IWISS2018)
[18]. Young Researchers Poster Award (2018/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] Taku Fukutomi (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] Hiroshima University
[Notes] The 3rd International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE2018)
[19]. 創造科学技術大学院長表彰 (2018/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 鳥山誠也 (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Educational Division)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 静岡大学創造科学技術大学院
[20]. The ICPEPA Outstanding Student Poster Award 1-st PLACE (2018/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] Ayana Mizuno (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] ICPEPA
[21]. Best Presentation Award (2018/3)
[Name of student who received the prize] Atsutaka Miyamichi
[Name of organization that offered the prize] Shizuoka University
[Notes] The 4th International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University 2018 所属:創造科学技術大学院
[22]. 第38回年次大会論文発表奨励賞 (2018/1)
[Name of student who received the prize] 鳥山 誠也
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 一般社団法人レーザー学会
[Notes] 所属:創造科学技術大学院
[23]. Student Paper Awards (2017/7)
[Name of student who received the prize] Atsutaka Miyamachi
[Name of organization that offered the prize] APNFO
[Notes] The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-Field Optics July 10-13, 2017. 所属:創造科学技術大学院
[24]. Best Presentation Award for the most outstanding presentation (2017/3)
[Name of student who received the prize] Seiya Toriyama
[Name of organization that offered the prize] Shizuoka University
[Notes] 2017 International Symposium toward the Future of Advanced Researches in Shizuoka University, 8th March, 2017 所属:創造科学技術大学院
[25]. Best presentation award (2015/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] Atsutaka Miyamichi
[Name of organization that offered the prize] Inter-Academia Community
[Notes] The 14th International Conference on Global Research and Education Inter-Academia 2015, Sep 28-30, 2015, Hamamatsu, Japan