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Academic conference/research presentations

【Academic conference/research presentations】
[1]. 日本-EU EPA の経済的評価と残された課題
日本EU学会 (2020/11/7) other
[Notes] オンライン開催
[2]. Mobile worker in the EU from a viewpoint of Japanese economist
Keynote speech, International Conference on European Financial Regulation, EUFIRE (2019/5/17) invited
[Presenter]ANDO, Ken-ichi
[Notes] 開催場所:Iasi, Romania 主催団体:Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania.
[3]. EU and UK on the Brexit day and after,経済学者の視点から
シンポジウム『EU and UK on the Brexit day and after:やってきた脱退日、爾後のイギリス・EU』 (2019/4/20) invited
[Notes] 早稲田大学比較法研究所主催,東京・早稲田大学 開催報告URL:
[4]. ‘International CSR in the context of divestments by European multinationals in the European Union’
Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2018, ‘Engaging Business and Consumers for Sustainable Change’ (2018/9/12) other
[Presenter]ANDO, Ken-ichi
[Notes] University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. Organised and hosted by the Sustainability Research Institute at the University of Leeds (UK) in association with Ked
[5]. ‘Comments and questions on “International Migration, Cross-Border Labor Mobility and Regional Integration in Asia and the Pacific” by PARK, Cyn-Young, Director, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)’
ERINA International Workshop “Toward Northeast Asian Economic Integration” (2018/9/6) invited
[Presenter]ANDO, Ken-ichi
[Notes] Ito International Research Centre, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, organized by Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA) (招聘討論者)
[6]. Comments and questions on ‘People’s Mobility; labor force and tourism’ by Aiko TAKENAKA, Economist, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
International Workshop “Toward Northeast Asian Economic Integration” (2018/1/) invited
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA), Niigata, Japan
[7]. Regional Trade Agreement, Multinational Enterprises, and Global Value Chain, EU experience from the viewpoint of a Japanese scholar
OECD Expert Meeting, Addressing inter-dependencies between trade and investment in international policy frameworks (2017/11/) invited
[Notes] Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris, France
[8]. EU単一市場と国際生産要素移動
日本国際経済学会全国大会 (2017/10/) other
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] 日本大学経済学部,日本国際経済学会
[9]. Divestment of multinationals and its impacts on the jobs
Joint 44th Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter) Conference and 6th Reading International Business Conference (2017/4/) other
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] University of Reading, UK
[10]. Brexit from the view point of new institutional economics
28th Annual Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (2016/11/) other
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
[11]. A Comment from an economist on ‘Refugee Admission, Solidarity and Open Borders in the European Union’ by Rainer Bauböck, (EUI)
37th Annual Conference of the EU Study Association in Japan (2016/11/) other
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] Hitotsubashi University, Japan
[12]. 「Brexitの謎」
早稲田大学 日・EU フレンドシップ・ウィーク2016シンポジウム『Brexit:どうなるイギリス、EU、そして世界?』 (2016/6/) invited
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] 開催場所:早稲田大学,主催:EUIJ早稲田,協力:駐日EU代表部
[13]. Divestment of multinational enterprises from non Neo-classics perspective
27th European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (2015/9/) other
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] University of Genoa, Italy
[14]. 地域経済統合下における多国籍企業の撤退,EUにおける事例研究
第21回国際ビジネス研究学会全国大会 (2014/11/) other
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] 北海学園大学,札幌市
[15]. European and Japanese Multinationals and their subsidiary trade in host; Facts and features
14th Japan-EU Conference (2014/11/) other
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] University Foundation, Brussels, Belgium
[16]. EUにおける労働と資本の国際移動
上智大学100周年記念ソフィアシンポジウム,人の移動と地域統合 (2013/12/) invited
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] 開催:上智大学,主催:上智大学ヨーロッパ研究所,ジェトロ・アジア経済研究所,後援:経済産業省,法務省入国管理局,国際移住機関
[17]. Industrial cluster in the home country of multinational enterprises, the case of Japanese automotive sector
6th International Conference, The Department of International Economic Relations, Asia-Pacific Research Centre, Wroclaw University of Economics (2013/11/) other
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] ポーランド,Wroclaw経済大学開催,ポーランド外務省,科学高等教育省,経済省共催
[18]. 『統合の終焉』書評・討論
EUIJ早稲田 討論会「『統合の終焉』?EUの含意と将来」 (2013/6/) other
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] 開催場所:早稲田大学,主催:EUIJ早稲田,協力:駐日EU代表部,招待討論者
[19]. Checking the Validity of the ERM data
the Workshop of Eurofound, “Digital Monitoring: methods and issues”, (2011/11/) invited
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] Dublin, Ireland, 16th of November 2011.
[20]. The Weakest Link: problems and potentials of unbalanced investment relationship between the EU and Japan
The 14th EU-Japan Conference (2011/11/) invited
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] Brussels, Belgium, 28th of November, 2011.
[21]. Divergence in Host Economy and FDI: Job allocation by Japanese MNEs in France and the UK
European International Business Academy (2010/12/) other
[Notes] 開催場所(University of Porto)
[22]. Economic Integration from above and below with the evidence of Japanese MNEs in Europe
Conference on International Economic Integration: Past Experience and Future Prospects (2010/4/) other
[Notes] 開催場所(University of Geneva)
[23]. コメント:「グローカル連携促進型の地域経済体制の構築」
日本国際経済学会 (2009/10/) other
[Notes] 開催場所(中央大学)
[24]. Regionalisation and Regionalism in Europe from the Perspective of Multinationals
Comparative Regionalism Project (CREP), Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo (2007/7/) other
[Notes] 開催場所(東京大学)
[25]. Regionalisation in Europe: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination
Comparative Regionalism Project (CREP), Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo (2006/7/) other
[Notes] 開催場所(東京大学)
[26]. EU拡大と多国籍企業:日系企業の対中東欧投資の分析
日本EU学会 (2005/11/) other
[Notes] 開催場所(九州大学)
[27]. 2005年度(第12期)学会賞単行本の部受賞のことば
会議名(国際ビジネス研究学会全国大会) (2005/10/) invited
[Presenter]安藤 研一
[Notes] 主催団体名(国際ビジネス研究学会) 開催地(広島市)
[28]. The Role of FDI from a Local Perspective: the Cases of the West Midlands and Shizuoka-Aichi
The 1st International Workshop, Institute of Social Science (ISS), University of Tokyo (2005/9/) other
[Presenter]Ken-ichi Ando & Odile E. M. Janne
[Notes] 開催場所(Tokyo, Japan)
[29]. FDI into Regional Integrated Area and $%
European International Business Academy (2002/12/) other
[Notes] 開催場所(Athens, Greece)
[30]. 地域経済統合,直接投資,国際貿易:日系自動車企業の対英直接投資を題材にして
国際経済学会 (2002/10/) other
[Notes] 開催場所(東北大学)
[31]. EUの比較優位産業における統合とその対外的意義
日本EU学会 (2001/11/) other
[Notes] 開催場所(長崎純心大学)