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Researcher DataBase - Personal Information : FUKUTA Naoki

Awards & Honors

【Awards & Honors】
[1]. Best Paper Award Prototyping an Agent for Dynamic Generation of Attack-Payloads in Web Application Vulnerability Assessment (2023/12)
[Winner] Ryotaro Suzuki and Naoki Fukuta [Association] IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI2023-Winter / ESKM2023-Winter)
[Notes] (指導学生筆頭共著論文の受賞)
[2]. (2023/5)
[Notes] (査読功労賞)
[3]. Honorable Mention Award A Communication Destination Automatic Anonymization Mechanism Using Simulation-based Multi-Agent Learning (2020/12)
[Winner] Keita Sugiyama and Naoki Fukuta [Association] IEEE/IIAI International Congress on Applied Information Technology(IEEE/IIAI AIT2020)
[Notes] (指導学生筆頭共著論文の受賞)
[4]. Outstanding Paper Award(3rd prize) Experimental Results on Large-scale Cyber-Physical Hybrid Discussion Support (2020/11)
[Association] Editorial Board of International Journal of Crowd Science
[5]. Outstanding Paper Award A Multiagent Learning Approach for Distributed Control of Address Randomization in Communication Destination Anonymization (2019/11)
[Winner] Keita Sugiyama and Naoki Fukuta [Association] IEEE/IIAI International Congress on Applied Information Technology(IEEE/IIAI AIT2019)
[Notes] (指導学生筆頭共著論文の受賞)
[6]. Distinguished Reviewer (2019/10)
[Winner] Naoki Fukuta [Association] The 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2019)
[7]. (2018/6)
[Notes] 「論文誌への査読貢献」
[8]. (2018/3)
[Notes] (指導学部学生筆頭の発表への表彰)
[9]. (2018/3)
[Notes] (指導学部学生筆頭の発表への表彰)
[10]. (2017/11)
[Notes] R. Horita, M. Mitsui, T. Ito, S. Shiramatsu, A. Sengoku, K. Fujita, and N. Fukuta,``A Design of Research Group Workshop to Generate Co-Creation Betwee
[11]. (2017/6)
[Notes] (大石 翔,福田直樹,"個人支援エージェントにおけるPreference Elicitation最適化に基づく競合調整機構の試作")
[12]. (2016/9)
[Notes] (指導学生筆頭共著論文の受賞)
[13]. (2015/5)
[Notes] (査読功労賞)
[14]. (2013/9)
[Notes] 合同エージェントワークショップ&シンポジウム2013
[15]. (2012/3)
[Notes] 授与・助成団体名(情報処理学会)