[1]. (2023) [Book type]book(educational) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] contributor [Author]古門聡士 [2]. (2010) [Book type]book(educational) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work [Author]浅田寿生,星野敏春,藤間信久,田村了,古門聡士 [Notes] 共著担当箇所(第5章 74-95, 付録B 146-150) [3]. (2008) [Book type]book(research) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work [Author]星野敏春,浅田寿生,藤間信久,田村了,古門聡士 [Notes] 共著担当箇所(第5章81-105, 157,158,164-169) [4]. (2008) [Book type]book(research) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work [Author]星野敏春,中島伸治,岡部拓也,田村了,古門聡士 [Notes] 共著担当箇所(第9章77-93) [5]. (2007) [Book type]book(research) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work [Author]星野敏春,中島伸治,岡部拓也,田村了,古門聡士 [Notes] 共著担当箇所(第9章 超伝導) [6]. (2006) [Book type]book(research) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work [Author]星野敏春,浅田寿生,藤間信久,田村了,古門聡士 [Notes] 共著担当箇所(3次元シュレディンガー方程式の解法・p.93)