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Researcher DataBase - Personal Information : Wakiya Naoki

Prizes students you are advising won

【Prizes students you are advising won】
[1]. 奨励賞 (2023/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 戸塚創太 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 第39回日本セラミックス協会関東支部研究発表会
[2]. 奨励賞 (2022/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 飯塚理乃 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 第42回電子材料研究討論会
[3]. 奨励賞 (2022/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 飯塚理乃 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本セラミックスの第35回秋季シンポジウム
[4]. Poster Award of Excellence (2021/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 座安春希 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 7th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications toward a Low Carbon Society(ACTSEA2021)
[5]. Poster Award of Excellence (2021/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 尾形薫 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 7th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications toward a Low Carbon Society(ACTSEA2021)
[6]. 奨励賞 (2021/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 座安春希 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 第41回電子材料研究討論会
[7]. 最優秀賞 (2021/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 座安春希 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本セラミックス協会第34回秋季シンポジウム
[8]. 奨励賞 (2020/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 河合剛志 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 第40回電子材料研究討論会
[9]. 奨励賞 (2020/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 石上大貴 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 第36回日本セラミックス協会関東支部研究発表会
[10]. 奨励賞 (2020/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 吉田茉由 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 第36回日本セラミックス協会関東支部研究発表会
[11]. The Best Poster Award (2019/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 中根裕樹 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] The 36th International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics
[12]. 奨励賞 (2019/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 石上大貴 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 第39回電子材料研究討論会
[13]. Silver Award for Student (2019/10)
[Name of student who received the prize] 高島圭佑 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] PACRIM13, Symposium-17
[14]. Silver Award for Student (2019/10)
[Name of student who received the prize] 吉田茉由 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] PACRIM13, Symposium-17
[15]. 奨励賞 (2018/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 佐藤 明 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本セラミックス協会 第31回秋季シンポジウム
[16]. 奨励賞 (2018/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 村上 はるの (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本セラミックス協会 第31回秋季シンポジウム
[17]. IFAAP 2018 Student Poster, Bronze Prize (2018/5)
[Name of student who received the prize] MEENACHISUNDARAM SRIDEVI (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Educational Division)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] ISAF-FMA-AMF-AMEC-PFM (IFAAP) Joint Conference (IFAAP2018)
[18]. Award for Encouragement of Research in IUMRS-ICAM 2017 Symposium D-4 (2017/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] デブナス・ニパ (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Educational Division)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] IUMRS-ICAM
[19]. Best Poster Presentation Award (2017/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] 平岩卓磨 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] The 34th International Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics
[20]. The Best Presentation Award For Young Researchers (2017/11)
[Name of student who received the prize] デブナス・ニパ (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Educational Division)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 高柳シンポジウム
[21]. 奨励賞 (2017/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 佐藤 明 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 第34回 日本セラミックス協会 関東支部研究発表会
[22]. 優秀賞 (2017/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] デブナス・ニパ (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Educational Division)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本セラミックス協会第30回秋季シンポジウム
[23]. The first prize award (2017/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] ミナキースンダラム・スリーデビ (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Educational Division)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] Inter-Academia 2017
[24]. Poster Award (2016/12)
[Name of student who received the prize] 森 宏徳 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] Asian Meeting of Electro Ceramics (AMEC-10)
[25]. 奨励賞 (2016/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 森 宏徳 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本セラミックス協会第29回秋季シンポジウム
[26]. Best Poster Award (2015/10)
[Name of student who received the prize] 鳥居佳那子
[Name of organization that offered the prize] IUMRS-ICAM2015
[27]. 奨励賞 (2015/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 鳥居佳那子 (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology)
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本セラミックス協会第28回秋季シンポジウム
[28]. 優秀賞 (2014/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 鳥居佳那子
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 第30回日本セラミックス協会関東支部研究発表会
[29]. 奨励賞 (2014/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 杉田秀次
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本セラミックス協会第27回秋季シンポジウム
[30]. 最優秀賞 (2014/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 窪田誠明
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本セラミックス協会第27回秋季シンポジウム
[31]. 優秀賞 (2013/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 石井隼人
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 第26回日本セラミックス協会秋季シンポジウム
[32]. 奨励賞 (2013/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 山本祥太
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 第26回日本セラミックス協会秋季シンポジウム
[33]. 優秀賞 (2013/9)
[Name of student who received the prize] 窪田誠明
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 第29回日本セラミックス協会関東支部研究発表会
[34]. Gold Poster Award (2010/4)
[Name of student who received the prize] 宇佐美了
[Name of organization that offered the prize] STAC-4
[35]. 奨励賞 (2010/4)
[Name of student who received the prize] 宇佐美了
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本セラミックス協会関東支部
[36]. 奨励賞 (2008/4)
[Name of student who received the prize] 堀 雅仁
[Name of organization that offered the prize] 日本セラミックス協会関東支部