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> Books, etc.
Researcher DataBase - Personal Information :
FUJIMA Nobuhisa
Books, etc.
[1]. (2009) [Book type]book(educational) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work [Notes] 共著担当箇所(第1章1-20) [2]. (2009) [Book type]book(educational) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work [Notes] 共著担当箇所(第3章~第6章の一部) [3]. (2006) [Book type]book(educational) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] [Notes] 第1部執筆 [4]. (2006) [Book type]book(educational) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] [Notes] 第6章執筆 [5]. (2002) [Book type]book(research) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work [Author]近藤保,塚田捷,藤間信久ほか10名 [Notes] 共著担当箇所(第6章) [6]. (2001) [Book type]book(educational) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] [Notes] 6章・7章執筆 [7]. Mesoscopic Materials and Clusters KODANSHA (1999) [Book type]book(research) [Sole author, co-author, or author and editor] joint work [Author]Y.Achiba,N.Fujima他44名 [Notes] 共著担当箇所(24章)